Football/Soccer Session (Beginner): Dribbling

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Reseller-Club: Premier Users' Club

Cameron Higgins

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Cameron Higgins
Name: Cameron Higgins
City: Derby
Country: United Kingdom
Membership: Adult Member
Sport: Football/Soccer
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Number of players: 10 players

Player age: 9-11 year olds

Player ability: Mixed ability

Session Topic: Dribbling

Learning objectives:

- To learn the basics of dribbling within small spaces.

- To recognise the right moments to dribble and when not to dribble.

- To be able to dribble at a fast pace in order to initiate quick attacks.

Session length: 20 minutes


- Minimum 10 balls

- Cones

- Markers

- Bibs

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Blocked

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Blocked
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Learning Objectives

Lots of focus on the technical coaching points for dribbling.
A tactical element with the players trying to gain more points than their partners
Plenty of moving around dribbling the ball at match tempo against an opponent.
Can set players targets and challenges to keep their motivation levels high during the practice.
Players are working in pairs and competing against each other.

Blocked (15 mins)


- 40 x 25 yard area.

- 10 players starting with the ball.

- Balls set up around the outside of the area.


- 10 balls (extra balls around the outside of the area).

- Cones (two different colours).


- All players start with a ball dribbling around the area, turning in different areas.

- When the coach blows the whistle or shouts "GO", all players must burst through one fo the gates and then round the closest cone in the corner before re-entering the area.

- Repeat this for 5 minutes encouraging and teaching coaching points using different techniques from the coaching toolbox.

Conditions, targets and challenges:

- When the coach blows the whistle to dribble through the gates, all players must perform a skillful turn before dribbling through a gate at a fast pace. Allow players to demonstrate examples.

- Challenge players to use both feet when dribbling with the ball.

- Give all players a target of dribbling through a gate and around the cone within a 5 second time limit, depending on the players' ability levels.

Coaching Points:

- Keep ball close to feet at all times.

- Dribble at match tempo.

- Use both feet.

- Head up at much as possible.

- Fast burst of pace to get through the gates as quickly as possible.

- Use skills to dribble past other players and defenders.

Coaching interventions:

- Fly-by: this should be used on a regular basis to try and influence some of the coaching points that may be explained briefly at the start of the session. Can also use fly-by to challenge players to try new things, for example, a skillful turn or using the weaker foot.

- Drive-by: can pull a player out who may be struggling with the dribbling technique. This way I can through the coaching points in more detail with that player as well as supporting that with demonstrations in a 1 to 1 situation. Can also use the drive-by intervention to challenge the players of higher ability, giving them different targets, challenges and conditions to help improve their dribbling even further rather than doing something they are capable of.

- Coaching process: can use this for 1 minute maximum to demonstrate to the players in more detail the coaching points in which I want to get across. Within the blocked session this should be more focused on keeping the head up, using both feet and keeping the ball close to the feet at all times. Can use different players within the session as examples for other players to look at and replicate. This will encourage player ownership within demonstrations.

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Variable

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Variable
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Learning Objectives

Lots of focus on the technical coaching points for dribbling.
A tactical element with the players trying to gain more points than their partners
Plenty of moving around dribbling the ball at match tempo against an opponent.
Can set players targets and challenges to keep their motivation levels high during the practice.
Players are working in pairs and competing against each other.

Variable (15 mins)


- 40 x 25 yard area.

- 10 players in the area, none with a ball.

- 5 balls scattered across the area randomly.

- Extra balls set up outside of the area.


- 5 balls (extra balls around the area).

- Cones (two different colours).

- 10 Bibs (two different colours).


- Halve the balls in the area and players should partner up between themselves, naming themselves either "1" or "2".

- Players jog around the area, when the coach shouts "1", number 1s should find a ball in the area to then dribble through one of the gates. Partners should try to stop them dribbling through.

- If the coach was to shout "2" then the same would happen but vice versa.

- Partners should keep the score between themselves to encourage player ownership.


- Can make it more free-flowing between partners, when one player dribbles through a gate, they switch roles.

- Can also make it into a small sided game where all players split into two teams of five. The same principles apply in terms of dribbling through the gates, however, the teams are much larger.

- Can also introduce more than one ball at this stage to make the game more interesting, encouraging players to keep on their toes and support teammates in need.

Conditions, targets and challenges:

- Challenge players to use both feet as much as possible to change in different directions quicker

- Let players give themselves their own targets against their partners, can they challenge themselves to gain 3 points against their partner within a certain time period?

- Condition: when entering through a gate or dribbling past a defender, a skill move or turn must be used

Coaching points:

- Keep the ball close to the feet at all times

- Dribble at a match tempo

- Use both feet

- Head up as much as possible to find space and to be aware of other players

- Fast burst of pace to get through the gates

- Use skills to get past other players and defenders

- React quickly to your number being shouted, running onto the ball at a quick pace to beat the defender

Coaching interventions:

- Fly-by: this should be used on a regular basis to try and influence some of the coaching points that may be explained briefly at the start of the session. Can also use fly-by to challenge players to try new things, for example, a skillful turn or using the weaker foot.

- Drive-by: can pull out one or two pairs to give them specific challenges depending on what they need to improve on. Can give these players the opportunity to set themselves their own challenges and targets for what they can do within the next minute, for example.

- Coaching process: can use this for 1 minute maximum to demonstrate to the players in more detail the coaching points in which I want to get across. Within the variable practice we still want to promote the coaching points made in the blocked practice, however, there is also an added focus on now trying to beat defenders using different turns and skills. Can use different players within the session as examples for other players to look at and replicate. This will encourage player ownership within demonstrations.

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): SSG

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): SSG
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Learning Objectives

There are still plenty of opportunities for players to dribble with the ball when they receive it, this gives them an opportunity toput the coaching points they have learnt to the test.
The players are playing in a small sided game and so can apply different tactics in order to win the game as a team as well as focusing on improving their dribbling skills at the same time.
The area is large for a dribbling session usually, however, this will create more opportunities for 1 vs 1 situations. Pitch size can also be made smaller if needs be to create tighter spaces on the pitch for players to practice their dribbling skills even further.
Can set players targets and challenges to keep their motivation levels high during the practice.
Players are working together as a team to try and beat the other team both technically and tactically. Team-talks can be designed to give players an opportunity to discuss tactics as well as setting team targets related to dribbling.

SSG (30 mins)


- 40 x 30 yard area.

- 10 players, 5 players on each team.

- Players are playing with one ball with extra balls scattered around the area.

- 5 yard end zones set up at both sides of the pitch.


- Cones and markers for the end zones,

- Balls.

- 10 bibs (two different colours).


- Start off playing a game, however, the objective is to score by dribbling the ball into the end zones at either end and stopping the ball in the zone.

- Defenders are not allowed to enter their own end zone, meaning they cannot follow the attacking player into the end zone when they are dribbling. They have to tackle before entering.

- Play for 2 minutes before progressing the practice.


- Can introduce defenders now being allowed to enter their own end zones, putting the attackers under pressure to control and stop the ball in the end zone to gain the point.

- When scoring a point, can that team turn to then counter attack at the other end? This will encourage the attacking team to dribble at the defenders at a quick pace to try and gain another point as quickly as possible whilst they are "unbalanced".

Conditions, targets and challenges:

- Challenge the players of higher ability to recognise when and when not to dribble. Challenge them to recognise when they can take a player on 1 vs 1, and attempt as much as possible. If they are not in a 1 vs 1 situation, move the ball and pass to a teammate to create another opportunity to score a goal.

- Can players receive the ball from a deep position and drive the ball forward if they have the space? It's important to recognise when to do this depending on the positions of the other players.

- Allow teams to give themselves a target within a 3 minute period, for example, can you score 3 dribbles in 3 minutes?

Coaching points:

- Keep the ball close to the feet at all times.

- Dribble at a match tempo, espeically when playing on the counter attack.

- Use both feet.

- Keep head up as much as possible to find space and be aware of other players' positions.

- Fast burst of pace to take advantage of small pockets of space and enter the end zones.

- Be confident to use skills to beat defenders.

- Recognise when it is right to dribble past defenders and when to keep the ball instead.

- Try to move the ball quickly to create a 1 vs 1 dribbling opportunity.

Coaching interventions:

- Fly-by: this should be used on a regular basis to try and influence some of the coaching points that may be explained briefly at the start of the session. Can also use fly-by to challenge players to try new things, for example, a skillful turn or using the weaker foot.

- Drive-by: can use this to bring different players out to give them individual challenges and targets. For example, can you recognise when to dribble at the right times? Can you score 2 dribbles in 60 seconds?

- Coaching process: can use this for 1 minute maximum to demonstrate to the players in more detail the coaching points in which I want to get across. Still want to get the main coaching points across that is covered throughout the session, however, this is now being focused tactically in terms of recognising when to dribble and dribbling at a fast pace when counter attacking. Can use different players within the session as examples for other players to look at and replicate. This will encourage player ownership within demonstrations.

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