Football/Soccer Session (Academy Sessions): Dribbling and Passing (Start Time: 2019-03-27 19:05:00)

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Pro-Club: LA Galaxy

Chris Pedersen

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Chris Pedersen
Name: Chris Pedersen
City: Los Angeles
Country: United States of America
Membership: Adult Member
Sport: Football/Soccer
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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Arriving Players Warmup.

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Arriving Players Warmup.
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Arriving Players Warmup. (20 mins)


Each player has a soccer ball at their feet.

Spread the players equally among the four challenges.

Have the players complete the challenges and move on to the next one, cycling back through when they complete all four of them.


Challenge 1: Using the inside and the outside of the feet, have the players weave back and forth through the outside of the cones, trying to keep it as close as they can to their feet and to the cone.

Challenge 2: The players are encouraged to use their laces to sprint with the ball from the one cone to the other on the far side of the field. Emphasize small touches and keeping the ball close.

Challenge 3: Have the players acceleterate and stop between each gate, using their laces to dribble and sole to stop the ball.

Challenge 4: Perhaps the hardest challenge, evading pressure and changing direction is important for soccer players as they get older. This drill encourages players to use the skill move, the 'V,' to beat pressure. Have the players dribble slightly past the double cone, use the V, change direction and dribble to the next double cone. If done correctly, this drill utilizes almost every surface of both feet. If a V is challenging, trying using other skill moves instead to change direction.

Coaching Points/Questions:

Which part of your foot did you use?

Can you try to keep the ball close to you?

Did you find it easier with small or big touches?

Which challenge did you find the most difficult?


P: Have the players use only their weak foot.

P: Have the players "shadow" one another. Have one player stand in front of the player with the ball, staying as close as they can to the player and the ball in a defensive stance. The shadow cannot go after the ball and cannot obstruct the player with the ball. This is to imitate in-game pressure when trying to dribble.

R: If one of the drills is too dificult for your players, quickly alter it to their skill level or remove it from the cycle.

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Passing with a teammate.

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Passing with a teammate.
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Passing with a teammate. (20 mins)


The goal of this game is to have players pass with their partner up the 'ladder.' First team to the top of the ladder wins. The players are forced to restart if the ball does not go directly to their partners feet or they do not follow the R or P rules.


Set up four cones, staggered, on each side of the ladder. The players are asked to stand in front of the cone, receive the ball, wait for their partner to reach their next cone, and then pass it back to them. Make sure you reset teams that fail to pass directly to their partner.

Coaching Points/Questions:

Did every pass go directly to your partner?

Which foot was easier to use?

Was it easier with one touch or two touches?

Why did you have to say the name of your teammate you were passing to?


R: If the players are unable to pass very well, reorder the drill so that there is only one ladder, have a player stand at each cone, and have them pass back and forth up the ladder. Have each player say the name of the person receiving the ball so that each player stays engages.

P: Have players say the name of the teammate they are passing it to each time or they reset.

P: Use your weak foot.

P: Only one touch.

P: Receive the ball along the outside of the cone.

P: Receive the ballacross your body, settle it, and then pass it.

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Passing with teammates and pressure.

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Passing with teammates and pressure.
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Passing with teammates and pressure. (15 mins)


Instructions: Passing triangles or squares. This exercise now enables them to have some passing freedom from the previous challenge. Players are now encouraged to make quick decisions and pass to one of the open players.

Coaching Points/Questions:

As the defender, was it easier to get the ball if you stayed in the middle or ran at the player with the ball?

Did you say the name of the player you passed to?

Was it easier to know you were receiving the ball when the teammate said your name?

Were our passes better with one touch or two touches?


R: If they are struggling to pass the ball, remove the defender and have the teams compete, getting points for each successful pass.

R: Make passing area larger.

P: One touch.

P: Add a defender if the passers are really good.

P: Give extra points for skill moves/changing direction/fake passes.

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Scoring with teammates and pressure.

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Scoring with teammates and pressure.
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Scoring with teammates and pressure. (15 mins)


Instructions: Small sided games with a twist. One game has goals, the other has endzones. To score a point with the gates, you must stop the ball between the gate.

Coaching Points/Questions:

Which of the games was easier? Why?

Did you have to work really hard with your partner to pass the ball and score?

Was it easier to pass to your teammate if they were close or far away.


R: Give a point for each pass and goal.

P: Turn the endzone sinto gates, getting points each time they stop between the gates.

P: Give a point for changing direction/skill moves.

P: Enforce a specific number of passes before you can score.

P: Change up teams and give them new challenges.

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Game: Passing and ball control.

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Game: Passing and ball control.
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Game: Passing and ball control. (20 mins)

Organization: Field with two goals.

Instructions: Play a game with all players, emphasizing the skills worked on.

Coaching Points/Questions:

Did you create triangles for your teammates to pass to?

Was it easier to pass when they were close or far away?


R: Add gates for added points.

P: Add a required number of passes beofre they can score.

P: Challenge players to use their weak foot/use one touch passes/receive across their body/change direction if there is pressure.

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