Players get into two lines, and usethe cone line as shown to work through a thorough dynamic warm up routine;
-Running straight ahead –Playersjogtogether to the end, then come back down the outside of the cone lines.
-Opening The Gates –Playersjogforward,stoppingevery few steps to lift the knee up in front, and rotate the knee out to theside of their body. Alternate the legs worked.
-Closing The Gates –Playersjogforward,stoppingevery few steps to lift the knee up to the side, and rotate the knee inwards totheir front. Alternate the legs worked.
-Running Circling The Partner –Playersjogforward,everytime they pass a cone, shuffle across towards their partner, circling them,before shuffling back towards the cone.
-Running Shoulder Contact –Playersjogforward,everytime they pass a cone, shuffle across towards their partner, jump and touchshoulders in the air, before landing and shuffling back to the cone.
-Running Forwards & Backwards –Playersrunto the second set of cones, then jog backwards to the set before, beforerunning two cones forward again.
-Walking Squats –Players walkup the set of cones, every few steps they stop and complete a deep squat.
-Walking Lunges– Players walk up the set of cones, every few steps they stop and complete aforward lunge, twisting their torso right and left before getting up again.
-Plant & Cut –Playersjog quickly 4-5 steps, before planting on their outside leg, and cutting tochange direction, and completing on the other leg.
-Bounding– Run with high bounding steps, and high knee lift, landing on ball of thefoot.
-Fast PaceRun –Run the length of the cones at 75-80% of top speed
Screen 1 (15 mins)