Football/Soccer Session (Difficult): Build , create, and finish the attack uefa B

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Dean Weaver

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Dean Weaver
Name: Dean Weaver
City: Radcliffe
Country: United Kingdom
Membership: Adult Member
Sport: Football/Soccer
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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Screen 1

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Screen 1
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Screen 1 (50 mins)

Session theme ,- Build , create, and finish the attack

Other outcomes .- Out of possession and transition

Organisation - In possession

Run/Dribble the ball over the half-way line

Commit as many players to the attack as you like.

Attackers can't recover to defend once the ball has gone over the half way line

Organisation - Out of possession and transition

Win ball back and attack quickly on transition

Pass or run the ball over the half way line

Commit as many players to the attack as you like

Individual challenges

Attack 1 v 1 and score

Use creative play

Defend 1 v 1 and win the ball

Make a last ditch block or tackle


One additional defender can press high to increase pressure.

You can pass the ball over the centre line.

coaching points 

encourage the gk to be involved

encourage creative play and 1 v 1

encourage off the ball movement

defenders should stay on the ball and retain possession , rather than kick the ball away.


Play a normal game

increase the challenge by asking the defenders to play with a low block.

attackers should recover to a compact shape when the ball is played passed them.

Who (primary player). My primary player is the one that has the confidence to drive with the ball

Where do we do it. where there is space to do so

Why , to build and create an attack

When, as soon as we see the opportunity .

How do we do it, as quickly and securely as possible.

the attacking team can only press from the offside line

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