Football/Soccer Session (Moderate): Passing techniques- short & long passes

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Darren Russcher

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Darren  Russcher
Name: Darren Russcher
City: Richmond
Country: Canada
Membership: Adult Member
Sport: Football/Soccer
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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Warm up

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Warm up
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Warm up (10 mins)

4-6 players passing around in a quadrant. Players have a number (1-5) & when coach calls out a number, that player for both groups shows out into the space to their right, receives the ball from their group and delivers a right footed pass into the other square. After a few rotations, players show out to left side and deliver a left footed pass into the other square. Make sure players who are showing into the space show deep enough (BEHIND the ball) to deliver a good, long weighted pass into the other square.

Progression: ask the players to find the farthest away player in the other square with their pass.

Player showing out into space is on 2 touch.

Coaching points: good touch out of feet on an angle, balanced approach & target player was sighted (communication) before the pass delivered. Good weight on all the passes. Make the space as big as possible.

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Technical

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Technical
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Technical (20 mins)

Passing lines. Cones 20 yards apart. Follow pass to end of opposite line except on last two combos.

2 touch

1 touch

Pass & then come receive in the middle on backfoot and play back to own line

Pass and then go combine with other line and return to own line

Race after some practice. Ball returns to starting point 6 times. First one to 6 gets a point. Do multiple races.

Coaching points: good touch out of feet to be able to step into the ball, balanced approach to ball, keep ball on ground (strike/contact point on ball), eyes up to find target, weight of pass.

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Technical opposed

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Technical opposed
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Technical opposed (25 mins)

3v1 with a target. Players divided into 2 teams on two grids. Players play 3v1 in one half of a grid, with a target player waiting outside of cones in other half. After all players have touched the ball once in their half they can then play into target player in other half. Ball has to be played from one half into the other. Player who passed the ball retreats to become the target in that half, while the other two go and support the ball played into other half and continue with the 3v1 on other side. Ball played to one target & then played back to original half earns a point. Extra defender waits outside grid near the middle & when ball is played through to opposite zone, they become live and defend in that zone. When ball leaves zone, defenders exit zone to the side. Play for a set amount of time and switch defenders.

Progressions: add another defender & go to no touch restriction. Go to 3 or 2 touch.

Coaching points: good 1st touches out of feet away from pressure to play a quick pass. Empahasize for players to be looking for opportunities to play through to target as soon as possible (open body shape to ball & target, checking shoulders). Accurate weighted balls into target player. Don't force unbalanced passes. Good weighted passes onto correct side of supporting player. Make space as big as possible (supporting angles)

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Game based

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Game based
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Game based (35 mins)

4 corner possession game. Teams play 4v4 in the middle and try to play through to either target corner player. Passer switches spots with target player. When ball is played into one corner and cleanly transferred to opposite corner a point is awarded. If defending team touches the ball, attacking team must re-set.

Coaching points: make the space as big as possible. Play quick, crisp passes. Open body shape to be able to see both targets at all times. Encourage a quick, long pass played into target whenever it is on. Play from high pressure to low pressure, always looking for opportunities to play through to a target. Don't force the ball into the target! If the numbers aren't right, play away from pressure and keep possession. Be patient. When ball gets played to target, outside supporting players get in to good supporting angles making the space as big as possible, not crowding the ball.

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