Rhys Holmes
Name: | Rhys Holmes |
City: | hyde |
Country: | United Kingdom |
Membership: | Adult Member |
Sport: | Football/Soccer |
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The setup of this drill is simple;
5 Cones 2 Balls
The goalkeeper will start at 1 side of the cones with the server and complete 3 passes through the gate before they can move onto the next gate. there are 4 gates in total so the goalkeeper will make 3 passes in each gate (12 passes in total) before they get to the end where the goalkeeper will play a pass into between the pen spot and the 18 yard line where the server will hit a first time shot at the keeper with any height, in the meantime the goalkeeper will play this pass and drop back onto their line and get set ready for the shot to come in.
There are many progressions to this drill that we can change, like the passes can be shortened to 1 touch and very close together, the strike can be only in the top section of the net. ect...
1 touch passes through cones, pass out, drop back, bottom corner only save.
© Copyright 2022 Sport Session Planner Ltd.
Developed with Partnership Developers, a division of Kyosei Systems.
Animation Controls (PCs, Macs, Laptops):
Play animation
Play step-by-step
Repeat (toggle)
Full Screen
Back/Forward: Drag timeline button
Drill #1:
The layout of this drill is simple:3 Hurdles and 10 Cones,
The Keeper will start behind the first of the 3 cones and proceed to jump over them, the keeper will then touch a cone that is out in front of the hurdles, they will then go in and out of the first set of cones and drive out at the top for a set volley from server 1, the goalie drops back off and as this happens, the server who has just served the set volley will play a diagonal pass to the second set of cones for the goalkeeper to control and pass to the second server, once that pass has been dealt with, the goalkeeper will go through the second set of cones for a set volley.
This drill can be progressed by changing the way the keeper goes through the cones and what sort of shot the keeper will face after going through the cones.
For Example;
over top of the cones, drive out, half volley.
up and down facing outwards through the cones, drive out, dipper
1 foot hop over the cones, drive out, basket catch
1 foot jumps over hurdles, touch cone, other foot jump over cones, drive out, high ball
The goalkeeper will do 5 sets before the progressions so in total 25 sets including the progression sets.