Hockey Session (Under 10s): Passing and dribbling

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Edu-Club: SportWays SUPER Academy

Jamie Kroukamp

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Jamie Kroukamp
Name: Jamie Kroukamp
City: Cape Town
Country: South Africa
Membership: Adult Member
Sport: Hockey
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Hockey Session Plan Drill (Colour): Passing and dribbling

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Hockey Session Plan Drill (Colour): Passing and dribbling
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Passing and dribbling (15 mins)


The right body position and grip while dribbling.


Player A dribbles the bal. When he gets to the cones (1) he passes the ball to player B. Player B now does the same towards player C. Player A now takes over the position of player B. If it goes well you can them ask them to dribble towards 2 and pass.


1. Left elbow high

2. Ball in front of your right foot

3. Eyes up looking forward.


+ Make a game of it. See which team is back to their original spots first.

- first just pass and receive or just dribble.

Hockey Session Plan Drill (Colour): Dribble and pass in a square

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Hockey Session Plan Drill (Colour): Dribble and pass in a square
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Dribble and pass in a square (15 mins)


Dribbling and passing on the move.


Player A dribbles around 1 and passes to Player D. Player A follows his pass. Player B starts at the same time as player A, runs around the cone (2) and pass to player C.


1. Good dribbling technique, Left elbow up, ball in front of my right foot.

2. Make eye contact before you pass the ball

3. C and D receives the ball ready to move.


+ Dribble the other way

Hockey Session Plan Drill (Colour): Reacting and changing of direction

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Hockey Session Plan Drill (Colour): Reacting and changing of direction
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Reacting and changing of direction (15 mins)


Dribbling and Pass


Player A starts dribbling towards the cones. The trainer calls around which cone the player must dribble. After going past the cone you can shoot to goal. There is a blue, yellow and orange cone met drijven richting de pion. If neccessary please set it out 2 times. max 4 kids per station.


1. Left elbow high, ball in front of right foot.

2. Be ready to react at any time

3. Stay nice and low with your chin up.


+ Change the position of the cones

+/- Make the distances bigger or smaller

Hockey Session Plan Drill (Colour): Game

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Hockey Session Plan Drill (Colour): Game
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Game (15 mins)


Game with dribbling and passing as key ellements


5vs5 or 4 vs4 everyone plays with.


1. Focus on body position during passing and dribbling

2. Motivate the players to dribble and pass into the space


+ You have to pass 4 times before you can score

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