Cormac Cleary
Name: | Cormac Cleary |
City: | Rockwood |
Country: | Canada |
Membership: | Adult Member |
Sport: | Football/Soccer |
Oakville Soccer Club U12
Technical: Dribbling/running with the ball:
Dribbling/Running with the ball Technique When is a good time tp dribble v's Pass
Tactical: Width & Depth: Theattacking team looks to stretch the opponents defensive shape. The attackersuse the width pull defenders out of their shape and create space
Theattackers move the ball to change the point of attack in an effort to findspace between or behind the defense.
Physical: Agility/Balance/coordination
Social/Emotional: Listening/interaction
Psychological: fun, confidence, feeling safe
Objective : Create plenty of opportunities for players in 1v1 situations to practice their moves and dribbling skills. To find openings and dribble/run with the ball.
See the guidance at the top of this page to understand why you are not seeing interactive Football/Soccer images.
1v1 Dribbling/running with the ball -12:2 work/rest
Organization: 12 x 12 field size gates per game (5m)
(Adjust to players needs/challenges) 10/12 players 2 games of 5/6 players per team
Equipment: cones, balls, bibs pug nets
Procedure: Pick a team to start (Red). Start without the ball The attacker looks to get past the defender without being tagged and look the get through the oppositions gate.
Each team switches and gets the chance to be the attacker.
(Looking for players to change direction/speed, do a move , or feint)
Progression: Add a ball The team with the ball looks to dribble past the defender and through the gate to get a point
If the defender wins the ball, they become the attacker and look to score through the opposite gates. passing or dribbling through the gate. through a gate equals 1 points dribbling through equals 3 points.
1) Allow players to decide on how many points an action is worth.
Objective: When to Dribble/Run with the ball?Running with the ball: look to take big touches with the ball and get to the open space scoring zone as quick as you can.Dribbling:
See the ball/player, attack with speed use your laces, small touches change speed change directionSee the guidance at the top of this page to understand why you are not seeing interactive Football/Soccer images.
Organization: 10/12 players Big Goal, two pug nets, cones, balls, Bibs
Activity: 2 v 2 20m x15m (Adjust to players needs)
Procedure: Create two teams, the Attacking team, starts the game by playing into the Striker. Once the ball is moving two defenders come into the game and look to win the ball. Attackers are looking to score in the big goal. If the defenders win the ball they can score in either pug net. All Teams will rotate and attack /Defend.
The attacking team: When is the right time to dribble/Pass?
How do I support my team mate in possession?
Answer: if I am 1 v1 and closer to the goal (a good time to take on the defender)
Answer 2: making runs, movement of the ball, to support my teammate (Good Angle's)
Coaching Points: When dribble when to pass, movement off the ball (Support)
See the guidance at the top of this page to understand why you are not seeing interactive Football/Soccer images.
End Zone Game: 12-15min 12:3 work/rest
7v7 , 8 v8 or 9 v 9
Objective: Looking to exploit space to create opportunities to run with the ball and scoring by dribbling and beating players 1 v 1
Set Up: 60 x 4om with end zones, bibs, cones, balls
Procedure: Each team is given an end zone to defend and an end zone to attack. The team in possession must try to dribble the ball into the opposition’s end zone.
Passing game
Players now can score goals by making a pass to a player running into the end zone. This rule encourages creative play through passing and forward runs off the ball.
Width & Depth: Theattacking team looks to stretch the opponents defensive shape. The attackersuse the width pull defenders out of their shape and create space
Theattackers move the ball to change the point of attack in an effort to findspace between or behind the defense.
The player in possession can make a pass into the end zone as the player runs to receive the ball. The running player must not arrive in the end zone before the ball. large space - well encourage individuals to drive into space running with the ball. Tighter space players may look to dribble and take players on (dribbling)
Allow players to pick their team name, If the players passes to a teammate v's dribbling in how many points is each action worth.
See the guidance at the top of this page to understand why you are not seeing interactive Football/Soccer images.
Game: 7 V 7 or 9 V 9 : 20 MIN 5:1 WORK/REST
laws of the Game, retreat line, kick ins, corners, goal kicks
Allow players to pick or come up with their team names
Key words: Create space (Width & Depth) openings/space attack it , dribble, change speed/direction1 v1 moves (feint, step over scissors)
Guided Questions:1) How do we create an opening?
2) what do we do if we see an opening?
Answers: 1) make the opponent move , create width & Depth
2) pass or dribble through it
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Animation Controls (PCs, Macs, Laptops):
Play animation
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Full Screen
Back/Forward: Drag timeline button
Arrival Activity (10 mins)
Rondos 4 v 1 or 4 v 2 : followed by warm up 10 min