Football/Soccer Session (Beginner): Passing and Receiving (with Shooting): Improving First Touch

Profile Summary

Paul Gregory
Name: Paul Gregory
City: Coconut Creek
Country: United States of America
Membership: Adult Member
Sport: Football/Soccer
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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Stage I

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Stage I
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Stage I

4v1 with Transition "RONDO"

Organization: 20x20 yard area divided into 4 sections; 2 teams, 5+ players per section (4 Attackers v 1 Defender)

Instructions: To start, two different "Rondo" groups will be played simultaneously in sections opposite each other. On the coaches command, each group must keep possession of the ball & shift "Rondo" into another section at same time. All players must take two touches on the ball.

Coaching Points: 1. Use correct weight for first touch (cushion v firm); 2. Movement on/off ball; 3. Touch away from oncoming defender; 4. Accuracy of pass

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Stage II - Part I

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Stage II - Part I
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Stage II - Part I

2v0 Passing & Receiving to Improve First Touch with Shooting (Unopposed)

Organization: 4+ players w/ GK; supply of balls; Distance from goal: Cone A - 25 yards, Cone B - 20 yards

Instructions: Player A will start with the ball and play the ball to Player B who will return the ball back. Player A will then play a ball into space down the touchline, then make a supporting run towards to top of the penalty area. Player B will sprint down line, receive ball w/ inside of foot with first touch, then pass the ball back to Player A who will receive the ball with first touch and take a shot on goal with second touch. Activity is repeated on other side of field. All players are to do all tasks in two touches.

Coaching Points: 1. Speed of play; 2. First touch out in front of body; 3. Open up body to face intended target; 4. Movement on/off ball; 5. Communication w/ teammates

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Stage II - Part II

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Stage II - Part II
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Stage II - Part II

3v1 Passing & Receiving to Improve First Touch with Shooting (Opposed)

Organization: 6+ players w/ GK; supply of balls; Distance from goal: Cone A - 35 yards, Cone B&C - 25 yards

Instructions: Player A will start by passing the ball to Player B, who will check away before receiving. After first touch, pass ball back to Player A then make supporting run into penalty area. A will receive the ball at an angle in either direction, then pass ball into open space towards corner flag and make supporting run towards penalty area. Player C will sprint down the touchline and receive the pass from Player B, then pass to either teammate who must receive the ball before shooting. A defender will be inserted into the penalty area to defend attackers & try to win the ball and clear area.

Coaching Points: 1. Speed of play; 2. First touch out in front of body away from oncoming defender; 3. Open up body to face intended target; 4. Movement on/off ball; 5. Communication w/ teammates; 6. Accuracy of pass to avoid defender

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Stage III

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Stage III
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Stage III

3v2 Passing & Receiving w/ Shooting to Improve First Touch

Organization: 9+ players w/ GK; supply of balls; 2 mini goals, 1 big goal; Distance from goal - 30 yards

Instructions: Two defenders will step onto the field inside of penalty area, while 3 attackers will step onto field near midfield. Defenders will play a long pass to attackers, then quickly sprint out to defend. The attackers will receive the ball, then begin to attack the big goal. If defenders will the ball, they will try to score in one of the two mini-goals. Players will stay at same role until rotation.

Coaching Points: 1. Speed of play; 2. First touch out in front of body away from oncoming defender; 3. Open up body to face intended target; 4. Movement on/off ball; 5. Communication w/ teammates; 6. Accuracy of pass to avoid defenders

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Stage IV

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Stage IV
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Stage IV


4v4 with GKs or 5v5

No restrictions; must play in a designated formation

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