Football/Soccer Session (Moderate): MCAA568 Brent Coble- Dribbling Season 1 Simple to Complex

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Brent Coble
Name: Brent Coble
Country: United States of America
Membership: Adult Member
Sport: Football/Soccer
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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Screen 1

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Screen 1
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Screen 1

Dribble the Half Field


Players each have a ball dribble the perimeter of the half field.


1)Dribble with both feet (inside or outside of foot)

2)Dribble with both feet (inside foot)

3)Dribble with both feet (outside foot) 

4)Dribble with only right foot

5)Dribble with only left foot

Coaching points:

-Keep the ball close but not too close to where the ball is right underneath you and loose momentum.

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Animation 2

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Animation 2
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Animation 2

Cone Cluster Dribble with Dumbbell and Toe Tap Drill

Set up:

Cones (red) are spread in the center of field close to each other. Cones of a different color (yellow) are placed 10 feet away from the red cones. Every player has a ball. Half of the players are in the cluster of red cones in the center and the other half will be next to the yellow cones. One player per yellow cone. 


The players in the red cone cluster will dribble their ball in between the red cones trying not to touch the red cones or run into other players with their ball. Players standing next to the yellow cones are to consciously with the do toe taps or do dumbbells with the ball. 


Red cones:

1)Start slow to moderate speed both feet

2) increase speed.

3) left foot only

4)right foot only

Yellow Cones:

1)Moderate speed

2)High speed

3) Try to do it without looking at the ball

Coach pointers:

-Red cones - in the beginning use all part of your feet. 

-use situational awareness (pick up your head)

Yellow cones- be in control with your touches. Push yourself to go as fast as you can without loosing control. 

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Screen 3

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Screen 3
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Screen 3

The Grapevine Drill


The cones are placed along the inside of the perimeter of the half field on three sides. Cone are placed far apart on the 1/3 of the field, 2/3 cones get closer together, and last 3rd cones are really close. Players start near the left corner of the field  


Players are to dibble in a weave around the cones. When they get to end of the cones, they are dibble back to the starting line near the corner to start again. 


1)Start slow

2)Increase speed 

3)Only left foot

4)Only right foot

Coaching pointers:

-Keep the ball close and use all parts of your feet get around the cones. 

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Screen 4

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Screen 4
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Screen 4

Weave Race


There are two teams spit in half. Each team is to line up on the half field. Four lines of cones are staggered evenly  parallel with each team from half field to the end-line. The should be two lines of cones per team. 


Each team is to dribble in a weave around the cones as fast as they can to the end-line and back. When they get back to midfield line, the next player at the front of the line will take possession of the ball repeat the process. The first team to get all players there and back wins. If a player misses a cone or cheats that player is go back to the start line at the midfield and start again. 


1)Both feet 

2)Right foot only

3)Left foot only 

Coach pointers:

-Try to go as fast as you can but maintain control.

-Do not skip a con or cheat or you will have to start from the beginning.  

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Animation Controls (PCs, Macs, Laptops):

Play animation
Play step-by-step
Repeat (toggle)
Full Screen

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