Futsal Session (Junior): HQ FUTSAL ACADEMY - Movements, Dribbling, Passing (Start Time: 2013-08-15 00:05:00)

Profile Summary

David Kenney
Name: David Kenney
City: Austin
Country: United States of America
Membership: Adult Member
Sport: Futsal
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Futsal Session Plan Drill (Colour): Dynamic Warm Up

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Futsal Session Plan Drill (Colour): Dynamic Warm Up
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Dynamic Warm Up

Dynamic Warm Up 8-10'

*Coaching points - Maximum effort, proper technique, mental and physical prepartation for the upcoming session

Dynamic Movemets to middle cones, into a jog after passing middles cones, 2nd player starts when 1st player gets to middle cones

-Jog -High knees -Butt Kicks -Lunges -Knee hugs -Skips -Side shuffles -Caricoa -Back pedal & Sprint Variations

*Players should reach a high instensity in the warm up. They should be sweating by the end of it. You can have players wait on the opposite end or you can have them job around the final cone and back to the end of the line

Futsal Session Plan Drill (Colour): Technical Dribbling

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Futsal Session Plan Drill (Colour): Technical Dribbling
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Technical Dribbling (15 mins)

Technical Dribbling 10-15'

All players with a ball dribbling in half without cones. Free dribble to start. 30 secs - 1 min on each dribble technique

*Coaching Points - Control over speed, head up, dribbling to find open space, touches with appropriate surfaces of the foot.

Dribbling Ideas -outside inside right, outside inside left, outside inside outside inside both feet, foundation, 2 foundations with sole roll, push stop push stop, push scissor push scissor, toe taps, sole flicks, croyffs, V, triangles, right sole, left sole, etc etc.

Futsal Session Plan Drill (Colour): Technical Passing

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Futsal Session Plan Drill (Colour): Technical Passing
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Technical Passing (20 mins)

Technical Passing 20'

*Coaching Points - Heel down toe up, plant foot correct, using instep to pass, follow through, weight of pass, encourage speed of play. Movement before and after passes. Back pedal after passing, step to pass.

One channel per (2) players. For odd number or group of 3 have them rotate by following their pass. Start with players closer together making passes. Right sole trap right pass, Left sole trap left pass, Right sole trap left pass, Left sole trap right pass, one touch right, one touch left. Move one side of players to sideline with partners at the first set of cones facing their teammate. One touch passes across the entire court and back, both players moving (one backpedaling the other running forward)

Move players to each opposite side lines to work on long passes. Right foot trap and pass, Left foot trap and pass, Lift passes.

Turns - One players checks to recieve ball as partner passes. Turn on reception, between middle and green cones dribble and turn again between green and sideline cones, send a long pass to partner who will pass it back and then check to receive to do their turns. (Two Rules - Don't turn so you can see the ball, Don't do the same turn the whole time)

Futsal Session Plan Drill (Colour): Possession

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Futsal Session Plan Drill (Colour): Possession
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Possession (15 mins)

Possession 15' (Remainder of Session)

Remove inner cones from the passing drill and you will be left with a grid. Or if large numbers remove all cones and play in both halves

Limit Touches, 5 passes is a goal if they count out loud. Keep score and have punishment for losing team (burpees, high knees, pushups, star jumps etc)

*Coaching Points - Receive passes with sole, dynamic first touch into space. Fients to free yourself from defenders. Make the space big as possible by offering width and depth. Move after passes to open and create space. Be aware of body position to ensure player can see the most of the field. Quick defensive pressure, don't dive in, work with teammates to cut off passes.

**If teams are not having success add more neutral players. If teams are having success add more restrictions and/or add goals.

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