Damian Wickie
Name: | Damian Wickie |
City: | Oakville |
Country: | Canada |
Membership: | Adult Member |
Sport: | Football/Soccer |
A shooting session designed for 1hr 15 minute practice.
See the guidance at the top of this page to understand why you are not seeing interactive Football/Soccer images.
Equipment : 10 cones, 8 balls
Setup: Create a rectangle 40 yds wide by 30 yards long. Place a cone every 10 yards along the width to create 4 shooting channels 10 yds wide. Break team into 4 groups of 3 or 4 players. Place at least 2 players at side A and one or two players on side B.
Activity: Start with side A. First player in line shoots the ball using their teammate on Side B as the target. Player A follows their shot sprinting down to Side B. Side B then plays a shot back to Side A and follows their shot.
*** Make sure sprinting players reach other side before next shot is taken.
Coaching Points:
Angle of approach on ball
Proper part of foot, laces
Head down
Follow through to target
Position on ball for distance
See the guidance at the top of this page to understand why you are not seeing interactive Football/Soccer images.
Equipment: 4 cones, 6-7 pinnies, supply of balls
Setup: Split your group in half. Place a supply of balls 5 yards on either side of the net. Place one player from each team on either side with the balls. Place 2 cones straight out from the cones 5 yards outside the box. and place the rest of the team members on the cone diagonally opposite their teammate.
Activity: Shooting Game - Competition
- Competition between 2 teams
- Players have to keep score or shout it out / If they Don't a lot of push-ups
- Begin with A1 who passes diagonally across to their teammate A2. And then sprints around to the back of their shooting line. A2 is allowed a maximum of one touch then the shot. A2 follows their shot for a rebound and then takes up the server position. Alternate sides and repeat with Team B.
- If you MISS the net DEDUCT # of total of goals scored. Rotate your servers periodically.
Progression: Servers lob the ball by hand for a header or volley finish
Variation: Have players become the goalie after their shot to defend against the next team's strike before becoming the server.
See the guidance at the top of this page to understand why you are not seeing interactive Football/Soccer images.
Equipment: one ball. set of pinnies of one colour and a pinnie for a neutral
Setup: Use a half field. 4v4, one keeper in the net and one neutral player at half.
Activity: Objective is for either team to get a shot on net and score. Ball starts with neutral player who plays it in to one of the teams (doesn't matter which). Neutral player can only slide side to side cannot enter into the field of play. The receiving team will try and work the ball around to get a shot. The team that did not receive the ball attempts to win the ball. If successful, they must play the ball back out to the neutral before they can attack. (Works as a transition game to quickly look back up field for a breakout option
© Copyright 2022 Sport Session Planner Ltd.
Developed with Partnership Developers, a division of Kyosei Systems.
Animation Controls (PCs, Macs, Laptops):
Play animation
Play step-by-step
Repeat (toggle)
Full Screen
Back/Forward: Drag timeline button
Technical Dribbling Warmup (10 mins)
Equipment: A supply of balls, 4 cones
Set up: Every player has a ball. Make a grid as large as needed for players to have ample space.
Activity: On coach's command, all players dribble around the grid performing specific technical footwork (dribble cuts, roll overs, turns, pullbacks etc). On next command, players will perform specific dynamic movement to the next open ball (high knees, lunges, quad flex, etc). Once at open ball, players then go back to technical footwork.
Footwork: Dribble Cuts, Scissors, Step Overs, Cruyff Turn, V Pull Back, etc.