Football/Soccer Session (Academy Sessions): Passing, Dribbling & Shooting (Start Time: 2015-03-03 17:30:00)

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Carlos Santos

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Carlos Santos
Name: Carlos Santos
City: London
Country: United Kingdom
Membership: Adult Member
Sport: Football/Soccer
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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Pass-Turn-Pass Relay

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Pass-Turn-Pass Relay
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Pass-Turn-Pass Relay (30 mins)


Group of four players in an area of 20x20 yds with a mannequin.


Player A passes to player B, B performs a turn of the coach`s choice (i.e. back foot,outside of foot or free choice of the player).

Following his turn player B passes to player C. C controls the ball and passes into player A who has taken player B`s place. The routine is repeated.

Coaching points:

The coach should watch and appraise the approach to the ball by the receiving player and encourage early choice of the type of turn he performs. Players must exhibit quick feet to manipulate the ball for correct placement.

Increase speed as confidence and skill levels permit.

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Developing Possession

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Developing Possession
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Developing Possession (30 mins)

Practice Organisation

We play 4v4 possession in a 20x20 yard area. A player is positioned on each of the 20 yard perimeter lines. The players inside the grid can pass to the perimeter players if they wish. The perimeter players can move along their line looking to receive a pass and play the ball back into the grid but they must avoid taking too long to make the pass.


- Perimeter player can dribble the ball in and change places with the player that passes to him.

- Play directional

Key Coaching Points

- When the inside player receives a pass from the perimeter player, he should look to open up and see if he can turn.

- Pace of pass

- Body shape

- Think two or three moves ahead

-Stretch area, make the space as big as possible

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Passing, Dribbling & Shooting

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Passing, Dribbling & Shooting
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Passing, Dribbling & Shooting (30 mins)

Learning Objectives

7 players arranged 3 Attackers v 4 Defenders.

Coach with supply of balls at side.

Practice starts with coach passing a ball in to one Attacker, moving into space.

Attackers combine to attack any of 4 goals, defended by 4 defenders.

Following goal or defensive regain of possession , play stops players re-establish position & practice restarts from coach`s service.

Rotate roles & practice recommences with initial set-up arrangements.


Practice operates at high tempo for limited time, determined by coach.

Continuous assessment by Attackers on when to pass, dribble or shoot, as the practice alters with changing positions of defenders.

Support play & communication between Attackers & Defenders as units.


Add to number of players in practice to change overload e.g. (4v4,5v5 etc).

If Defenders gain possession, play ball quickly to team mate to score in a goal not being directly protected by them.

Tackling/intercepting Defender quickly counter attacks by dribbling/driving with ball to furthest goal away.

If Defenders gain possession, need to make wall pass before being able to score.

Coaching Points

Early scanning of opportunities to score in relation to position od Defenders & decision of which goal best to initially attack.

Attackers awareness of position of Defenders, creating space & making support runs to receive initial pass from coach.

Attackers combining & working as a pair to deceive & elude Defenders.

Recognising when to shoot early & turn balls around Defenders to full effect.

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): SSG

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): SSG
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SSG (30 mins)

Practice Organisation:

*Pitch is divided into thirds

*IP: Players are allowed to move into any zone

*OP: Players are locked into their own area and must retreat into it if their team lose possession

Emphasis on Passing, Dribbling and Shooting.

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Animation Controls (PCs, Macs, Laptops):

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