Football/Soccer Session (Moderate): Wing Play

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Reseller-Club: Premier Users' Club

Luke Jadhav

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Luke Jadhav
Name: Luke Jadhav
City: Bristol
Country: United Kingdom
Membership: Adult Member
Sport: Football/Soccer
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Learning Objectives:

1. Encourage use of wide areas

2. Switching the play quickly

3. Receive the ball on the turn


Traditional session, starting with a block drill where players become familiar with the type of passing they will be asked to do throughout the session. Followed by a variable practice where the situation becomes more similar to a real game situation. The session finishes with a small sided game where players incorporate what they have practiced in the two parts prior.  


Flat spots for boundaries. Bibs for players. Ball nest so that coach can quickly restart drill. Goals.

Area size:

1/3 or 1/4 of pitch to allow players enough space to get the ball wide. 


Fly by - give individuals specific instructions during play

Drive by - offer technical support to individuals when necessary

Group discussion - coach led discussion during break

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Screen 1

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Screen 1
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Learning Objectives

Technical Technical
Recieve the ball on the back foot and turn
Technical Tactical
Turn quickly so that the pass can be played quicker
Technical Physical
Repetion of turning on the back foot should eventually result in muscle memory
Technical Social
Communicating positvely with teammates

Screen 1

Simple repetitive passing drill. Emphasis on recieving on the back foot so that player can turn quickly and play the other way. Initially start with just one ball, once players are familiar with the drill, incoporate a second ball so that the drill becomes more challenging and players have more to think about.

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Screen 2

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Screen 2
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Learning Objectives

Technical Technical
Accurate passes into wide areas and back into central areas
Technical Tactical
Optimising wide areas
Technical Physical
Nature of the practice will improve aerobic capacity
Technical Psychological
Understanding the reaons behind moving the ball to wide areas
Technical Social
Communicating positively with teammates

Screen 2

Part 2 becomes closer to a game situation, as there is an attacking team and a defending team. The coach begins the phase of play from the ball nest. Coach plays a ball in to an attacker. The attacking team then try to score, however initially one wide players and later both wide players have touched the ball.

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Screen 3

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Screen 3
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Learning Objectives

Technical Technical
Accurate passes into wide areas and back into central areas
Technical Tactical
Understand the benefits of using wide areas
Technical Physical
Improve aerobic capacity
Technical Psychological
Passing the ball and trusting your teamates with it
Technical Social
Communicating positively with teammates

Screen 3 (20 mins)

Part 3 of this session is a simple SSG where players hopefully incorporate what they have practiced in the earlier parts of the session. Both teams are trying to score against each other, just like a normal game however, the ball must be touched by one wide player before a team can score. If players are finding the game relatively easy, a condition on one touch finishing only will be applied.

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Animation Controls (PCs, Macs, Laptops):

Play animation
Play step-by-step
Repeat (toggle)
Full Screen

Back/Forward: Drag timeline button