Football/Soccer Session (Beginner): Covid-19 Dribbling - Funny Turns

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Kevin Crow
Name: Kevin Crow
City: Pleasanton
Country: United States of America
Membership: Adult Member
Sport: Football/Soccer
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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Funny Turns

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Funny Turns
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Funny Turns (10 mins)

Objectives - Turning with the ball under close control and coordination (can add it in without ball in U6-8 age groups)

Players start on the outside cone with a ball. Coach nominates a player to show any turn. That player dribbles to the inside cone and turns back and dribbles to his own cone. Everyone practices that turn for 1 minute outside the cirlce. Then coach has each do it 2-4 times before the 1st player nominates another one.

Progression - add 1-2 Defenders in to intercept the ball. Defenders can no enter into the inner circle.

Feel free to do every other one without the ball and have them skip, hop, crawl, crabwalk, sommersault, handstand etc to work on coorindaton.

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