Football/Soccer Session (Beginner): U7 Fall Program week 2

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Am-Club: Oakville Soccer Club

Gareth Davies

Profile Summary

Gareth Davies
Name: Gareth Davies
City: Oakville
Country: Canada
Membership: Adult Member
Sport: Football/Soccer
Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Warm Up/ Phys Lit

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Warm Up/ Phys Lit
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Warm Up/ Phys Lit (10 mins)


Players spread out inside the 3v3 Field

Players get in to pairs and number themsleves 1 and 2

1 pinnie and 1 ball between the pair


- Player 1 has the ball

- Player 2 has the pinnie

- Player 1 dribbles around the area, Player 2 attempts to tag player 1.

- If Player 2 tags player 1 they drop the pinnie and take the ball

- Player 1 will then pick up the pinnie and attempt to catch and tag Player 2

- This sequence continues until the coach shouts stop.

- Whoever has the pinnie on the coaches call has to do 5 jumping jacks

Coaches Emphasis

- Dribble with head up to see where defender is coming from.

- Manipulate the ball depending on the space

- Changes of speed and Direction to be encouraged

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Relay Races

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Relay Races
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Relay Races (10 mins)


Create 5 lines of cones that are all 3 cones in length with 5 yards between each cone

- Place players in pairs or 3's and have them line up behind a set of cones


- The players will take part in relay races looking at different movements, changes of direction.

- The players may be asked to run to the first cone and back, hop to a different cone, run backwards, run through the cones in different patterns.

- All movements will be focused on the players developing physical literacy skills


- Each player will have a ball and complete relay races with the ball at their feet.

- The first few races should focus on getting to any cone and back and learning to keep the ball under control.

- To progress, ask the players to turn with different parts of their feet when they get to the cones. Some players will be able  to do this and some wont. 

This will be a fun warm up and through giving the teams points for the winners will create a sense of competition also. There will be cheating at this age and so keep and eye out for it and reward those players that are doing the exercise fully. Keep it fun!

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Numbers Game

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Numbers Game
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Numbers Game (15 mins)


- 3v3 Field

- Two groups of players

- Players line up on opposite sides of the field

- One goal at each end of the field

- Coach stands in a corner with the ball at his feet


- Both teams number themselves 1 to however many they have in their team

- On the call of their number players on the blue team will run around the goal to their right and then step on to the field calling for the ball from the coach

- The red player will do the same but run around the goal to their right

- The players will then go 1v1 to score


- Have the players start in different positions e.g Sat Down

- Call out more than one number at a time

Coaching emphasis

- Be creative to beat the player

- Highlight the need to change speed and direction

- Look for space by keeping head up

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): 3v3 Game

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): 3v3 Game
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3v3 Game (15 mins)


- Create an area of 15 x 20

- Place a pug net at each end

-  3v3 or 5v5 depending on numbers


- The players will play a 3v3 or 5v5 game 

- The main focus should be encouraging players to have a plan on what will be next when they receive the ball.

- Minimal in game coaching with positive encouragement for use of space, good decisions and technical execution

Key Points

 - Can we make it harder for the defenders by spreading out the field?

 - When dribbling think about when you can have big touches and when you need smaller touches

 - How do we work as a team to be effective at each end of the field

Animation Controls (PCs, Macs, Laptops):

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