Football/Soccer Session (Academy Sessions): endurance circuit, conditioning (2)

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Sports Science

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Sports Science
Name: Sports Science
City: coventry
Country: United Kingdom
Membership: Adult Member
Sport: Football/Soccer
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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): circuit

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): circuit
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Begin at start position. with Ball Dribble through tee pee cones then pass to finish position proceed through poles once through collect ball and dribble with ball passing through hoops. once at red cone then turn and pass back.complete the ladders first linear then to the left then back though right. double hop/jumps over hurdles. player then sprints around cone and back to start position. player then collects another ball and continues as before.

record 1st set where starts and where ends

also record last set and compare for fatigue index.

pyramid workout

1. 2mins work 2 mins active rest

2. 3 mins work 3 mins rest

3. 4 mins work 3 mins active rest

4. 4 mins work 4 mins rest

5. 3 mins work. 2 mins active rest

6. 2 mins work. workout ends.

work 18 mins rest during 14 mins

total time 32 mins + ball warm up = 55 mins

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