Bryanna Demery
Name: | Bryanna Demery |
City: | Swansea |
Country: | United Kingdom |
Membership: | Adult Member |
Sport: | Football/Soccer |
The overall aim of the session is to focus on the weak foot development in each individuals. We are working closely on the passing technique of the weak foot. Additionally to this we need to be sure that what is worked on can be portrayed in a game scenario so players can perform it to that standard on game day. Working on the weak foot helps improve a players whole skill and technical ability, this usually results in a better performance form an individual. However, it would not happen over night and will take time.
See the guidance at the top of this page to understand why you are not seeing interactive Football/Soccer images.
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Technical Ensure the warm up sets the participants up for what's to come in the drills. |
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Tactical Ensure the warm up sets the participants up for what's to come in the drills. |
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Physical Make sure the participants find the warm up physically beneficial. |
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Psychological Ensure that the participants are up for the session and fully understand what is worked on in each section of the drill. |
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Social Make sure the participants language and attitude towards each other and coaching staff is appropriate to their surroundings. |
See the guidance at the top of this page to understand why you are not seeing interactive Football/Soccer images.
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Technical Ensure that what's required of the athletes is technically practiced to a high standard resulting in improvements. |
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Tactical Ensure that the drill focuses on what can be developed for the game day/scenarios. |
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Physical Make sure that the drill is physically demanding so it can be put into practice for game scenarios. |
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Psychological Ensure that the participants are up for the session and fully understand what is worked on in each section of the drill. |
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Social Make sure the participants language and attitude towards each other and coaching staff is appropriate to their surroundings. |
- Area size: half pitch.
- Equipment: cones, bibs, footballs, rebound box and goals.
- U14s
- 10 participants.
1. Split the group into a group of 6 and 4.
2. The first section on the left is normal side foot passes with the weak foot, specifically working on the mechanics of short passing.
3. Ensure participants are focusing on improving their weak foot passing.
4. On the second section the participants are working on the weak foot passing and touch.
5. Participants are required to pass to the rebound box using their weak foot the best they can then taking a touch ready to repeat again using the weak foot at all times.
6. Ensure the participants in section 2 choose which distance they are passing over. The more confidence they gain the further the distance should become.
- Increase the distance passing over.
- Increase the tempo of passing.
- Limit the amount of touches.
- Decrease the distance passing over.
- Add bigger rebound boxes.
- Decrease the tempo.
- Allow more touches.
- Make 'X' amount of successful weak foot passing.
- Set targets for each individuals.
- Make the distance further based on the individuals performances.
- Stop individuals to give specific demonstrations for what they need personally.
- Stop the whole group and give group demonstrations.
- Stop pairs to give help/advice.
The mechanics of passing.
1. Look at the target.
2. Eye on the ball.
3. Angel of approach.
4. Non-kicking foot alongside the ball in a comfortable position.
5. Strike centre of the ball with inside/outside of the foot.
6. Firm ankle.
7. Follow through towards target.
See the guidance at the top of this page to understand why you are not seeing interactive Football/Soccer images.
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Technical Ensure what's been technically worked on in the session is put into practice for the game day scenario. |
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Tactical Make sure the participants know what is tactically required from them in game scenarios so it can be performed in that scenario. |
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Physical Make sure that the small sided game is physically demanding so it is identified as a game day scenario. |
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Psychological Ensure that the participants are up for the session and fully understand what is worked on in each section of the drill. |
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Social Make sure the participants language and attitude towards each other and coaching staff is appropriate to their surroundings. |
Small sided games:
- Area size: half pitch.
- Equipment: cones, bibs, footballs, rebound box and goals.
- U14s
- 10 participants.
1. Split the group into two teams.
2. Play the game as usual focusing on using the weaker foot.
3. If a player scores using their weak foot the team gets double the points.
4. Weak foot assist and goal = 3 points.
5. Weak foot assist only = 2 points.
6. Weak foot goal = 2 points.
- Make the area bigger.
- Add targets in the goals.
- Incorporate individual targets.
- Play game as normal with no limitations.
- Normal goal scoring points.
- Make the area smaller.
- Decrease the tempo.
- Score 'X' amount of goals.
- Assist 'X' amount of goal with a weak foot ball.
- Score with the weak foot.
- Make successful weak foot passes.
- Stop individuals to set challenges/targets.
- Stop the group to give directions.
- Stop the teams to give challenges/targets.
The mechanics of passing.
1. Look at the target.
2. Eye on the ball.
3. Angel of approach.
4. Non-kicking foot alongside the ball in a comfortable position.
5. Strike centre of the ball with inside/outside of the foot.
6. Firm ankle.
7. Follow through towards target.
© Copyright 2022 Sport Session Planner Ltd.
Developed with Partnership Developers, a division of Kyosei Systems.
Animation Controls (PCs, Macs, Laptops):
Play animation
Play step-by-step
Repeat (toggle)
Full Screen
Back/Forward: Drag timeline button
Screen 1: Warm up (10 mins)
Warm up:
- Area size: half pitch.
- Equipment: cones, bibs, footballs, rebound box and goals.
- U14s
- 10 participants.
1. Participants jog around the area.
2. Coach shouts a number and participants must get into groups of that number.
3. Any participants without a group have a forfeit to do.
Examples of forfeit:
- Star jumps.
- Push ups.
- Sit ups.
- Sprints.
- Make the area size bigger.
- Encourage a higher tempo.
- Give more forfeits where needed.
- Only require them to jog around.
- Give basic instructions and demonstrations.
The mechanics of passing.
1. Look at the target.
2. Eye on the ball.
3. Angel of approach.
4. Non-kicking foot alongside the ball in a comfortable position.
5. Strike centre of the ball with inside/outside of the foot.
6. Firm ankle.
7. Follow through towards target.