Name: | Paul Keigher |
City: | Manchester |
Country: | United Kingdom |
Membership: | Adult Member |
Sport: | Football/Soccer |
Continue to work on indivdual skills and teamwork, Progress pass and move technical and tactical corner, and start to work on shape and position
See the guidance at the top of this page to understand why you are not seeing interactive Football/Soccer images.
Technical Understanding pressure, foot skills |
Tactical ball control, making space |
Physical ABCs, movement on & off the ball |
Psychological Decision making, gaining confidence |
Social Socialbehaviour & enjoyment, smiles, communication |
See the guidance at the top of this page to understand why you are not seeing interactive Football/Soccer images.
Technical Foot skills |
Tactical Ball control |
Physical ABC's |
Psychological Gaininng confidence |
Social Behaviour & enjpoyment, smiles |
Every player has a ball in the centre circle
1. Toe taps - every player to performs for 60 seconds and count how many they perform
2. Foundation - every player performs for 60 seconds how many they perform
3. Left sole role / right foot sole role - every player performs for 60 second how many they perform
4. Drag back - every player starts to dribble round the area, 3/4 steps then drag back
Coaching point
- Focus on technique - speak to each and every player. Assist if required, or praise and highlight performance
- Keep the ball close and under control
- When you do the drag backs, try not to lose your ball or bump into your friend
See the guidance at the top of this page to understand why you are not seeing interactive Football/Soccer images.
Technical Passing, receiving |
Tactical Ball control, foot skills |
Physical Passing |
Psychological Learning new skills, patience |
Social Communication, teamwork |
Setup four squares from the penalty area to the half way line on both sides of the pitch.
Put aplayer in each square and one in the penlty area - if there are 11 put one in the centre circle (no.8)
All balls in the centre circle to keep continuous play
Coaches deliver ball to RM-7, RM-7 pass back to RB-2, RB-2 passes to GK-1, GK-1 to LB-3, LB-3 to LM-11, LM-11 back to coach. Start again.
Coaching Points:
- Focus on tech/ Tac
- Hold shape & position
Key technique aspects
Non-kicking foot close to the ball, pointing towards the target
Head still and over the ball - explain Tony Chin (Toe - knee - Chin in a line)
Kick with inside of foot, following through on line of target
Keep ball low, striking through middle of the ball
Key technical aspects:
Picture the target
Communicate with target
Decision to pass first time or control
Accuracy, weight and timing of pass (preferably to "safe side" of receiver)
- As soon as RM-7 has made the pass coach delivers another ball
- When player makes a pass they run to the the player they pass to and change position. 7 to 2, 2 to 1, 1 to 3, 3 to 11, 11 to 7 - each team is racing, the first team back to their original positions win
- Take a player from each yeam and swap them ovre. They race the oppositions passing, helps them to understand the ball is quicker then the player
See the guidance at the top of this page to understand why you are not seeing interactive Football/Soccer images.
Technical Positioning, passing line |
Tactical Ball control, understanding pressure |
Physical Passing, movement on & off the ball |
Psychological Learning new skills, awareness, gaining confidence |
Social Team work, communication |
Use the same setup as previous game. Put players into the squares - 2, 3, 7, 11 locked in relevant squares. GK in penalty area, striker past the half way line.
Coach on either side of the picth
GK starts with the ball and plays out. Yellow players are locked into positions - boxes, CM-8 is free and not locked. Yellows try to pass the ball through the half to the striker, when the striker recieves the ball they play it back to the GK.
If blues win the ball they must try and dribble for as long as possible.
If the ball is kicked out coach plays anothe ball in straight away to yellows.
Play for 5 then swap blues and yellows
Coaching points:
- Yellows hold shape and position
- Yellows create passing lines
- How quickly can they share the ball
- body shape
- receiving the ball
See the guidance at the top of this page to understand why you are not seeing interactive Football/Soccer images.
Create two teams and play a match
Play normal football rules
Coaching points:
Try and incorporate your session practice into the game
© Copyright 2022 Sport Session Planner Ltd.
Developed with Partnership Developers, a division of Kyosei Systems.
Animation Controls (PCs, Macs, Laptops):
Play animation
Play step-by-step
Repeat (toggle)
Full Screen
Back/Forward: Drag timeline button
Arrival Activity - Possession (10 mins)
Use the centre circle, setup 2 teams. Put the bibs outside hte circle as players arrive get them to put a bib on and join a team. Keep balls next to the pitch to keep the game working.
The team with the ball must keep possession of the ball. If the ball goes out of play the other team are given the ball - try to keep the ball in play at all times
Coaching Points
- Play as a team
- Can you make passing lines
- In possession can you spread out
- Out of possession can you become compact and close the space and passing lines
- When is the right time to protect the ball / perform a skill / make a pass
The focus of the session is creating space and passing lines
Key technique aspects
Non-kicking foot close to the ball, pointing towards the target
Head still and over the ball
Kick with inside of foot, following through on line of target
Keep ball low, striking through middle of the ball
Key technical aspects:
Picture the target
Decision to pass first time or control
Accuracy, weight and timing of pass (preferably to "safe side" of receiver)
Awareness of where to pass if the recipient is moving (i.e., ahead of the player, rather than ‘at’ her)
Movement after the pass
- add small goals, if the opposition steal the ball can they score
- score 1 point if the team makes 5 passess
- reduce touches of the ball - 3 or 2 touches, score a point if they make a successful first time pass