Futsal Session (Academy Sessions): Warm Up No Ball

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Pro-Club: Success Academy Soccer Program

Kris Jones

Profile Summary

Kris Jones
Name: Kris Jones
City: New York
Country: United States of America
Membership: Adult Member
Sport: Futsal
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Futsal Session Plan Drill (Colour): Warm up

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Futsal Session Plan Drill (Colour): Warm up
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Warm up


Gym is set up with equal number of red and yellow soccer dots, spaced out evenly so scholars have enough space to perform their warm up and foot skills. 15 Yellow cones (or as many as you need) and 15 red cones (or as many as you need) with a soccer ball on each. Players enter and start jogging on the spot, coach blows whistle after 30 seconds to 1 min. As soon as the coach blows the whistle the players immediately change to the next activity (jumping jacks, high knees etc) 


  • 15 Red balls
  • 15 Yellow balls
  • 15 Yellow soccer dots
  • 15 Red Soccer dot
  • 15 Red cones
  • 15 Yellow cones 
  • 15 players stand on Yellow dots
  • 15 players stand on Red dots


  • Can have captains that run the warm up and have autonomy to do any of the warm up activities 
  • Captain can do multiple warm up movements in one minute, after one minute captain can pick the next captain who runs the next minute.  

Coaching Points and High Level Questions 

Arms pumping when jogging 

Knees and arms pumping when doing high knees

Heels touching hands when doing heel kicks

Hands clap above head and clap thighs on jumping jacks 

Two feet together and two feet apart on in and out jumps


  • Why do we pump our arms when we run?
  • When in a game would you use a side shuffle?
  • When in a game would you use jumping?

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