Football/Soccer Session (Moderate): WARM UP: PSG WINDOWS

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City: Kalispell MT
Country: United States of America
Membership: Adult Member
Sport: Football/Soccer
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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): PSG WINDOWS

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): PSG WINDOWS
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Outside players each have a ball

Make a large circle with cones 1-2 yards behind each player on outside


  • Inside players move to a outside player with a ball. Outside player tosses inside player volley one back with inside of foot. Then receive another toss and volley back with the inside of the other foot. Then jog thru center and find another ball. Go for a couple minutes then change roles
  • Inside players move to a outside player with a ball. Outside player tosses inside player volley one back with instep (laces) of foot. Then receive another toss and volley back with the instep laces) of the other foot. Then jog thru center and find another ball. Go for a couple minutes then change roles
  • Inside players move to a outside player with a ball. Outside player tosses inside player controls with thigh and plays back to outside player (advanced players can volley back) Then receive another toss and volley back with the inside of the other foot. Then jog thru center and find another ball. Go for a couple minutes then change roles
  • Inside players move to a outside player with a ball. Outside player tosses inside player controls with chest and plays back to outside player (advanced players can volley back) Then receive another toss and volley back with the inside of the other foot. Then jog thru center and find another ball. Go for a couple minutes then change roles
  • Inside players move to a outside player with a ball. Outside player tosses inside player heads ball back (U13 and above) plays back to outside player. Then jog thru center and find another ball. Go for a couple minutes then change roles. Progress: Toss jump head one down to feet then toss and head one back. Jump head one back,
  • Inside players move to a outside player with a ball. Outside player plays ball on ground Inside player one touch back with inside of foot. Then receive another pass and play ball back with the inside of the other foot. Then jog thru center and find another ball. Go for a couple minutes then change roles
  • Inside players move to a outside player with a ball. Outside player plays ball on ground Inside player one touch back with inside of foot.  Then jog thru center and find another ball. Go for a couple minutes then change roles
  • Add a cone/mannequin in front .Pass ball from outside player to one side of cone, inside player receives and play back from the other side of the cone (Inside of one foot across body and play back with the inside of the other foot
  • Pass ball from outside player to one side of cone, inside player receives and play back from the other side of the cone (outside of one foot and play back with the inside of the same foot
  • Pass ball from outside player to one side of cone, inside player receives and play back from the other side of the cone (inside of one foot and play back with the outside of the same foot (advanced)
  • Outside player plays pass with inside of the foot to one side of cone, inside player passes (1 touch back) then shifts and gets a another pass to the other side of cone where they play one touch back with the inside of the other foot (ex inside of right foot then inside of left)
  • Outside player plays pass with inside of the foot to one side of cone and opens up to receive on the other side of the cone. Outside player passes to back foot of inside player who receives, turns and goes to another player

  • 8v4 Players on outside have 2 touch progress to 1 touch. 8 Outside players keep possession against 4 inside players. When team of 4 wins ball or force a mistake from outside players that causes ball to go out, outside players spring around cone and back in. Now four players of their team defends while the team that was on defense goes to the outside to be the team in possession

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