Football/Soccer Session (Moderate): LFC Forward passes

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Pro-Club: Liverpool FC Foundation

Darren Carr

Profile Summary

Darren Carr
Name: Darren Carr
City: Liverpool
Country: United Kingdom
Membership: Adult Member
Sport: Football/Soccer
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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Screen 1

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Screen 1
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Screen 1

Set Up: Players in 4's area in Y shape roughly 15 yrds in total, 1 ball.

Format: 1) End player plays into central player who pulls wide to recieve back foot they then play into opposite end player who plays across to team mate who plays back into central player who makes opposite angle & plays back to the start, plays stay in position.

2) Play into centrak player for 1-2 who then plays to opposite end player, who sets back to central player who has spun around mannequin & switch to other wide player who takes touch to the side & plays long into opposite end player. 

3) Play 1-2 with central player, switch into opposite end player, central players spins to recieve 1-2 with end player who plays across to other side who then 1-2 with end player & plays back to start

Key points: Quick movement & body shape to enable you to play quickly.

quality of passing  into where receiving player wants the ball.

Communication & speed of play throughout. 

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Screen 2

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Screen 2
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Screen 2

Set up: 18x15 yrds, with 2 mini goals at either side on both ends. Play 2v2 with outside bounce players in between both goals. 

Format: Attackers look to score in either target goal, can use outside bounce players to create overloads. If def wins ball they counter, rotate roles after each go.

Progressions: competition 3 mins to score as many goals as they can then rotate. 

Key Points: Movement of the ball to provide support and unbalance defenders

Player on ball look to draw a defender in and then pass the ball/beat them

Individual skill be creative and dominate your opponent in 1v1.

Combination play to get around defensive unit

out of possession press the ball & delay attack by being compact. 

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