Football/Soccer Session (Moderate): Four Types of Finish - Fitness & Accuracy Drill

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Jon Atkins
Name: Jon Atkins
City: Horsham
Country: United Kingdom
Membership: Adult Member
Sport: Football/Soccer
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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Four Types of Finish - Fitness & Accuracy Drill

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Four Types of Finish - Fitness & Accuracy Drill
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Four Types of Finish - Fitness & Accuracy Drill (30 mins)

Four Types of Finish - Fitness & Accuracy Drill

Starting at point 1, players must a curved run and takes a right foot finish from player A, he then runs back around the pole and takes a left foot finish from player B, he runs back around the pole and takes a volley or bouncing ball finish from player C and finally back around the pole and and with a curved run to take a heading finish from player D.

Attacker takes position A, A to B, B to C and D goes to get the ball and joins back of queue from last effort.

Good fitness and shooting drill!

P1 - score 1 point for every goal scored plus 2 points for achiving timed score or better. Game of it.

P2 - fastest score with number of goals wins

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