Football/Soccer Session (Beginner): Shooting Camp Drills/Games/SSG

Profile Summary

Nathan Mason
Name: Nathan Mason
City: Columbia
Country: United States of America
Membership: Adult Member
Sport: Football/Soccer
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Technical training session focused on shooting technique.

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour):  Arrival Activity 1

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour):  Arrival Activity 1
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Arrival Activity 1 (20 mins)

Last Ball Wins

Set Up: 

Place a row of cones on the center line with footballs sat on top of the cones. Split the squad up into to separate teams, each team will chose a side. 


Player can only shoot from behind a set line of cones, however they can go anywhere to retrieve a ball. The aim is to knock footballs off the central cones (when knocked off they can then be retrieved and used). The winning team is whoever knocks the final ball off the cone. 


Change the required distance of the strike, use more or less footballs, & allow or disallow players to move within the area

Coaching Points:

·         Accuracy of shot

·         Shooting Technique

·         Head and knee over the ball

·         Use your laces for power or the inside of your foot for accuracy

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Arrival Activity 2

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Arrival Activity 2
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Arrival Activity 2 (20 mins)

Shooting Game

Set Up:

20x 20 grid split into 4 10x10 squares – size can vary. 3 players in each box – numbers can vary, with 2 Goals positioned outside the grid. 1 ball per group – other balls positioned outside each box


To begin, players pass the ball freely in box. On the coaches command the player on the ball drives out the box and takes a shot at goal.

Remaining players collect another ball from the side of their box and start to pass again. The player who had a shot collects their ball and returns into square. 


Increase the number of players in each square, Add Goalkeepers

Coaching Points:

·         Accuracy of shot

·         Shooting Technique

·         Head and knee over the ball

·         Use your laces for power or the inside of your foot for accuracy

·         Different types of finish


Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Core Activity

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Core Activity
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Core Activity (30 mins)

Shoot to Start
Set up: 
40x40 area consisting of two goals at opposite ends. The players are split into two different teams. Footballs to placed next to each goal.


Each team sets up the shooting practice as shown. On the coaches call, the first player will dribble and attempt to score, they will then immediately turn and support the next player coming in. This player needs to play a wall pass with the player in front of them before attempting to score. This pattern repeats until all players are on the pitch and the game starts, until all players are on the pitch and the game starts. 

As the coach you might incentivize quick and decisive finishing by passing the ball to the team who finish
the shooting practice first (or score the most goals) to start the game in possession.


More Challenging: Add goal keepers, utilize both over and under loads

Less Challenging: No goalkeepers, make the pitch wider

Coaching Points:

·         Accuracy of shot

·         Shooting Technique

·         Head and knee over the ball

·         Use your laces for power or the inside of your foot for accuracy

·         Different types of finish

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Small Sided Game: Scoreboard Soccer

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Small Sided Game: Scoreboard Soccer
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Small Sided Game: Scoreboard Soccer (30 mins)

The Shooting Game

Set Up: Players split up into two teams in a 60x40 area. Three goals, two will positioned on the pitch at opposite ends with a mini goal positioned out of bounds by a touchline. Footballs will be put in the scoreboard area with the coach.

Instructions: The game starts off with even numbered teams, at any point the coach calls a player to come over to the scoreboard area at the side of the pitch.  The player at the scoreboard can earn "bonus points" by utilizing good shot technique and scoring on the mini goal. Teams continue to play while teammates are at the scoreboard. 


More Challenging: Add goal keepers, utilize both over and under loads, further shot distances at the scoreboard

Less Challenging: No goalkeepers, make the pitch wider, shorten the shot distances at the scoreboard

Coaching Points:

·         Accuracy of shot

·         Shooting Technique

·         Head and knee over the ball

·         Use your laces for power or the inside of your foot for accuracy

·         Different types of finish

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Animation Controls (PCs, Macs, Laptops):

Play animation
Play step-by-step
Repeat (toggle)
Full Screen

Back/Forward: Drag timeline button