Football/Soccer Session (Academy Sessions): Functional Warm-up II

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Densing Moses Sebastian Bruno

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Densing Moses Sebastian Bruno
Name: Densing Moses Sebastian Bruno
City: Berlin
Country: Germany
Membership: Adult Member
Sport: Football/Soccer
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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Functional Warm-up II

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Functional Warm-up II
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Functional Warm-up II (15 mins)


Two teams(Red and Blue) of equal players. Warm-up starts without the ball.


Players face each other. Red team has a red zone behind them. Blue teams have a blue zone behind them. When coach calls red, red teams turn around sprint towards their cones. Blue team tries to chase them and if they touch reds before reaching the zone they gain a point.After reaching the zone,players have to return back in 5 seconds for extra points.Continue for 6 rounds.Have 5 to 10 seconds recovery time in between. Call out different colors which are not part of the game to add more fun.


After sprinting for 6 times,in the same setup add one ball each pair.

1. Make 50 passes with right foot.

2. Make 50 passes with left foot.

3. One player serves the ball, other player returns the ball with inside of the right foot. x10 Reps

4. One player serves the ball, other player returns the ball with inside of the left foot. x10 Reps

5. One player serves the ball, other player returns the ball with lace part of the right foot. x10 Reps

6. One player serves the ball, other player returns the ball with lace part of the left foot. x10 Reps

7. One player serves the ball, other player touches the ball moves out and returns the ball with a sideways header. x10 Reps

8. One player serves the ball, other player controls with the chest and returns with any part of the foot. x10 Reps

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