Ryan Bjelland
Name: | Ryan Bjelland |
City: | San Antonio |
Country: | United States of America |
Membership: | Adult Member |
Sport: | Football/Soccer |
Edgemont Jaguars 2010B Spring 18 Week 4 - Situational awareness and eyes up play combined with individual tactics and technical breakdown of U turn and Drag Back Turn
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All players with a partner in the "Magic box" field which is 30x40. One partner has a bib on, the other does not. Coach has all the soccer balls in a pile and bibs on him for extra players who arrive.
One player in partner group is the attacker or 'shark' and one is the defener 'minnow'. The minnow must escape the shark and be out of arms reach to score a point. If within reach or if tagged, the shark gets a point. Play three 30 second games and switch roles. Coach can also use command 'Change' to have the players switch roles during play (P)
Coaching Points:
* Reactions and explosive movements
* Soccer related movements and ball control
* Use of body to protect ball from the other player
* Eyes up and awareness to not run in to any other players
* Good tempo and mentality from the players
* Introduction of U turn (to protect ball).
* Correct execution of the U turn during play
P1: Each player has a ball they must balance on a open palm while playing. Play three 30 second rounds and switch roles.
* Good balance
* Good body control to be able to keep your ball on your hand
* Eyes up to not crash into other players
P2: One ball per partner group, the 'minnow' has the ball and the 'shark' tries to win the ball back. Switch roles every 30 seconds.
P3: Shark has no ball. Shark gets a point every time they are able to touch the soccer ball of the minnow. The minnow tries to keep the soccer ball away. Player with the most points wins.
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As above. 'Magic box' setup. Field is 40x30. Half players on one side with a ball and no bib, the other half without a ball and have a bib on. Three foot endzones on each touchline. Extra balls with coach
Players who start with a ball pick their eyes up, find their partner on the otherside of the grid, and preform a good instep pass to them. The two players (partners) then play 1v1 to the lines the players start on. If attacker (yellow) is able to stop the ball on the endline of the defenders (gray) they get a point. Defenders can win the ball and stop it on the attacker's endline for a point. Switch roles after every 1v1. Play for 7 rounds, with both team winners and a individaul winner for points.
Coaching Points:
* Eyes up and awareness of other players off the ball
* Attacking with speed toward defender
* Ability to stop the ball quickly
* Cues to turn (defender closing down, no space)
* Good first touch (positive) from pass
* Good instep pass to the attacker from defender
* Try to attack away from the defender (where is it hardest for him to defend you?)
P1: Players can play a ball to any player on the other side of the grid. Once the pass is made to that player, they play 1v1 with only that player. Play three rounds, and teams (gray vs yellow). Team with the most points wins.
P2: If defenders win the ball, they must now pass to coach for a point instead of dribbling to the line. Coach to move around the area so the player has to pick up head and be aware of the coach's location.
* Good eyes up
* Glance before you get the ball
* Use of body and U turn to escape pressure
R1: Only half the players play at a time (more time and space in the grid).
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As above. Two teams on each side of the 'Magic box'. Field is 40x30. Teams play 3v3. Balls with the coach. Three foot endzones on each touchline. Balls with coach on endline.
Teams play 3v3 to the opposite endzone. The yellow team scores if they stop the ball in the endzone, gray scores if they stop the ball on the yellow touchline. Balls are played in from coach. Coach can play either one or two balls in at a time to either team, creating different 1v1 and 2v2 situations. The players from either team can score one point for their team by stopping the ball in the opposite team's endzone.
Coaching Points:
* Eyes up to know what is around you (even if you do not have the ball)
* Spreading out to create more space for yourself and teammates
* Moving while the ball is moving (support play)
* Good execution of 1v1 moves and U turn to escape pressure
P1: Add pugg goals at the end of the area. Free play with two soccer balls to pugg goals at once.
P2: Free play with one soccer ball
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Animation Controls (PCs, Macs, Laptops):
Play animation
Play step-by-step
Repeat (toggle)
Full Screen
Back/Forward: Drag timeline button
Free Play warmup (10 mins)
As above. Field is 30x40. Free play as players arrive. Two fields if possible.
Three bibs left on the field as well as balls and pugg goals. As players arrive, they have 10 minutes to have free play soccer.
Coaching Points:
* Player's taking more responsibility during the training session
* Helping motivate players to be on time for training
* Improving the 'fun' factor at training while still keeping the intensity and quality of play high
* See the boys natural tendencies and chemistry with their teammates
P1: Have players split into both fields as players arrive. Help with organization if needed.