Football/Soccer Session (Academy Sessions): Passing and Receiving.

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Mohand Amokrane

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Mohand Amokrane
Name: Mohand Amokrane
City: Valley Stream
Country: United States of America
Membership: Adult Member
Sport: Football/Soccer
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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Warm-up:

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Warm-up:
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Warm-up: (15 mins)


Two teams bleu and red in an area of 30x20 yards.


One team with one ball for each player and the other one just running around the area:

- The players with balls pass to bleu and receive it back.

- Make a give and go.

- Each time pass to different color (white to bleu and bleu to white), play with two balls.

The players cannot use the same player, they have to look for a new player each time.

Coaching Points:

- Quality technique of passing: accuracy-weight.

- Space Awerness.

- How to pass: - Get off center with ball.

- Non kicking foot close enough to the ball pointed toward the target.

- Slightly point toe up to luck unkle.

- Bent Nee, and hit the ball with insde to the middle of the ball following thru to the


- Head up before passing, and look down when making contact ball.

- Open body before receiving ball and always be prepared.

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Main activity 1

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Main activity 1
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Main activity 1 (15 mins)


- Each coach will have same set up at their field.

-5 Players in safe zones, players must be ready to reciece the ball at all times

-The rest of the players with a ball

- switch players in safe zones every 5 mins.


-Players dribble around area and pass to players in safe zones

-Players receive ball back from players in safe zones

- Make sure to call teammate name and make eye contact before passing the ball.

- Make a good pass, good accuracy and weight of th pass.

- When recieve the ball back, try to know where to go next and get a good first touch.

- Passes must be made from at least 10 yars appart .

Coaching Points:

-Head up to find players in safe zones

-Call out players name before passing

- Make eye contact before passing. Start checking over the shoulders when recieving the ball.


-Players in the safe zone can not pass the ball back through the same side of the square. Players passing the ball should run into space and ask for the ball.

-First to 10 passes wins; 20 passes, make it a competittion.

- Introduce give and go. wall pass going to goal.

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Progression:

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Progression:
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Progression: (10 mins)


-5 Players in safe zones, players must be ready to reciece the ball at all times

- The rest of the players with a ball

- switch players in safe zones every 5 mins.


- Players dribble around area and pass to players in safe zones

- Players receive ball back from players in safe zones

- Make sure to call teammate name and make eye contact before passing the ball.

- Make a good pass, good accuracy and weight of th pass.

- When recieve the ball back, try to know where to go next and get a good first touch.

- Meet the ball. Keep the defender in mind. We have to get to the pass before the defender anticipates.

Coaching Points:

-Head up to find players in safe zones

-Call out players name before passing

- Make eye contact before passing. Start checking over the shoulders when recieving the ball.

- Get away from defender. Meet the ball


- Now we have added pressure. If defender is able, try to win the ball. This will make it more game like. more realistic.

- Challange players to check over the shoulders. Make sure they are aware of surroundings.

- Check in to recieve the ball.

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): SSA:

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): SSA:
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SSA: (20 mins)


30x 25 yards, 3yards safe zones in each corner.


Three teams of four, one team with one player in each safe zone and the other teams play 4v4 inside the area. Switch teams after each 5minutes and each time one team makes 8 passes score one goal.

Coaching Points:

-Quality technique of passing and receiving.

-Attacking Principles: width-deepth of the field.

-Proper team shape in the field when in possession.


Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Game Play.

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Game Play.
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Game Play. (30 mins)


- Use the entire field.

- Play a 7 vs 7 match

- All rules and regulations.


- Team needs to combine at least 5 passes in order to score.

- All rules and regulations.

Coaching Points:

- Passing and moving.

- Passing into soace.

- Pass accuracy and weight of the pass.

- look to play teammates open and into space.


- Free Play.

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