Football/Soccer Session (Beginner): Position specific SSG

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Ryan Moore

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Ryan Moore
Name: Ryan Moore
City: Bournemouth
Country: United Kingdom
Membership: Adult Member
Sport: Football/Soccer
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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): SSG Field set up

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): SSG Field set up
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SSG Field set up

Set up:

4 Wide channel games

2 Attack vs Defence

2 Midfield battle

8 pug goals- 2 sand bags on each

6 small bownets

2 big goals


3 minute games, winners stay on, if get 3 wins in a row can choose to stay or rest

 4x wide channels- 2v2, 2 resting

2x Middle third- 3v3, 3 resting

2x Att third, central channel- 3v3 + GK, 3 rest

*Prioritise organising Midfield battle & Attack vs Defence before wide players*

18 Midfielders 6,8,10 vs 6,8,10

Lucas D, Pete & Jacob/Ziyad, Kai & Jake/Koa, Noe & Jovin/Daniel, Surya & Brailo/Jonny, Nate & Joel/Luis, Toby & Bryant

9 Attackers 8,10,9

Gavin, Julian & Brandon/Henry, Trevor & Melo/Diego, Chris L & Fearghus

9 Defenders 4,5,6 

Porter, Josh & Landen/Landon, Kaiden & Flynn/Jimmy, Noah & Merrick

24 Wide players- 2&7 vs 3&11

Ian & Shaun/Marco & Papa/Micah & Tyler/Mark & Cole/Jacob Q & Kyle B/Matt R & Matt A/Kyle S & Anthony N/Bryce & Ryan W/Kamryn & Sam/James & Steven/Jacob P & Ryan G/Pat & Travis B

5 GK's 


65 players

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Progression

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Progression
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Set up:

Expand to thirds- Add wide channels

2 Attack vs Defence

2 Midfield battle

6 small bownets- Move central and together to represent #9

2 big goals


Add wide players to each area

Defensive/Att third: 1,4,5,6,2,7,3,11 vs 8,9,10,2,7,3,11

Middle third: 6,8,10,2,7,3,11 vs same set up (Target goals represent 9's feet)

Defending teams

-Porter, Josh & Landen, Ian & Shaun, Marco & Papa

-Landon, Kaiden & Flynn, Jacob Q & Kyle B, Matt R & Matt A

-Jimmy, Noah & Merrick, Kamryn & Sam, James & Steven

Attacking teams

-Gavin, Julian & Brandon, Mark & Cole, Micah & Tyler

-Henry, Trevor & Melo, Kyle S & Anthony N, Bryce & Ryan W

-Diego, Chris L & Fearghus, Jacob P & Ryan G, Pat & Travis B

18 Midfielders

-Lucas D, Pete & Jacob, Luis, Toby & Bryant, Joel

-Ziyad, Kai & Jake, Koa, Noe & Jovin, Daniel

Rotate in: Jonny, Nate, Surya & Brailo

5 GK's 


65 players

*Move wide player pairs down to next field every 5-7 minutes

*Swap middle third 6,8,10 out with attacking/defending team every 5-7 minutes

Objective is for all midfielders and wide players to spend time in each third

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