Football/Soccer Session (Academy Sessions): Positional Understanding

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Cesar Cambisaca

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Cesar Cambisaca
Name: Cesar Cambisaca
City: Jackson Heights NY
Country: United States of America
Membership: Adult Member
Sport: Football/Soccer
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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Warm-up

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Warm-up
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. Within an area of 50 x 35 yards, sep up 4 squares of 15 x 15 yards as shown.

. Three players per square

. One ball per square ( extra soccer balls strategically placed as shown


. Three players are correctly posiotioned at the corners of the square leaving one as the open space to be occupied when needed.

. The open space will always be the corner which is facing the players who is in possession of the ball accross the field.

. The third man should move to the open space as soon as the ball is been played, not before.

. Passes should be done when the player in possession of the ball has a passing option on either side ( left - right )

. Passes should be played to either player ( left - right ). You don't have to follow any patter. ( make your best decision ).

Coaching Points:

. Quality of the pass / timing of the pass.

. Good Timing of movement into space

. Speed of movement

. Keep your ayes on the ball/defender movement

. Communicate/help player in possession of the ball to make a better choice


Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Main Actiity

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Main Actiity
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Main Actiity


. Within an area of 50 x 35 yards, sep up 4 squares of 15 x 15 yards as shown.

. Three players per square

. One ball per square ( extra soccer balls strategically placed as shown


. Three players vs 1 ( 1 minute work )

. Three players correctly posiotioned at the corners of the square will keep possession of the ball for as long as they can.

. The third man should move to the open space as soon as the ball is been played, not before.

. Passes should be played to either player ( left - right ). You don't have to follow any patter. ( make your best decision ).

. If defender gets the ball, he/she will score in the goal which is set up off the area before the team in possession tries to get it back.

. If the defender gets to score in the goal, or the ball goes out the bounce, one of the players in possession will get an extra ball and, will restart the game quickly.

Coaching Points:

. Quality of the pass / timing of the pass.

. Good Timing of movement into space

. Speed of movement

. Keep your ayes on the ball/defender movement

. Communicate/help player in possession of the ball to make a better choice

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Conditioned Game 1

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Conditioned Game 1
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Conditioned Game 1


. Within an area of 50 x 35 yards, sep up 4 squares of 15 x 15 yards as shown.

. Split two teams: One 4 players team, and one 2 players team

. Soccer balls being placed behind the pugg goals to be used when is needed to keep the game on going.

Instructions for Team in Possession:

. 4 v 2: Team in ball possession have two players per square, and the defending team will have two players in the neutral zone as shown.

. One of the players from the area that does not have the ball must move out into the neutral zone ( against the line { 1 } ) to provide the width, and one to the center of the square { 2 } to provide the depth, players { 1 } to play as a link between the players of both areas when is needed.

. To keep the game on going, when the ball goes out, or a goal is scored, players from the other square should go get a new ball from behind the pugg goal and continue playing.

Instructions for defenders:

. To steal the ball, only one defender is allow to go into the square while the other protects the neutral zone.

. If defender gets the ball, he/she will score in one of the pugg goals located at the end lines , before the team in possession tries to get it back.

Scoring rules:

. Team in possession, will get one point for every time that gets to pass the ball from one square to the other.

. Defending team, will get three point for stealing the ball and scoring a goal.

Coaching Points:

. Quality of the pass / timing of the pass.

. Good Timing of movement into space

. Speed of movement

. Keep your ayes on the ball/defender movement

. Communicate/help player in possession of the ball to make a better choice

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Conditioned Game 2

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Conditioned Game 2
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Conditioned Game 2


. Within an area of 50 x 35 yards, sep up 4 squares of 15 x 15 yards as shown.

. Split two teams: One 8 players team, and one 4 players team

. Soccer balls being placed behind the pugg goals to be used when is needed to keep the game on going.

Instructions for Team in Possession:

. 8 v 4: Team in ball possession have four players per area, and the defending team will have four players in the neutral zone as shown.

. One of the players from the area that does not have the ball must move out into the neutral zone ( against the line { 1 } ) to provide the width, and one to the center of the neutral zone { 2 }, both players to play as a link between the players of both areas when is needed.

. To provide the other options in the game that may be needed, player 3 will take a wide open position away from the ball at the edge of his/her zone to the neutral zone.

. To keep the game on going, when the ball goes out, or a goal is scored, players from the other square should go get a new ball from behind the pugg goal and continue playing.

Instructions for defenders:

. To steal the ball, only two defender are allow to go into the square while the other protects the neutral zone.

. If defenders get the ball, they will score in one of the pugg goals located at the end lines , before the team in possession tries to get it back.

Scoring rules:

. Team in possession, will get one point for every time that gets to pass the ball from one square to the other.

. Defending team, will get three point for stealing the ball and scoring a goal.

Coaching Points:

. Quality of the pass / timing of the pass.

. Good Timing of movement into space

. Speed of movement

. Keep your ayes on the ball/defender movement

. Communicate/help player in possession of the ball to make a better choice

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Game Time

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Game Time
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Game Time


. Within an area of 50 x 35 yards, sep up two 10 yards rectangle along the field as shown.

. 5 v 5 + golie

. Soccer balls being placed behind the pugg goals to be used when is needed to keep the game on going.

Coaching Points:

. Quality of the pass / timing of the pass.

. Good Timing of movement into space

. Speed of movement

. Keep your ayes on the ball/defender movement

. Communicate/help player in possession of the ball to make a better choice

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