Name: | Ivaylo Dagiev |
City: | Coventry |
Country: | United Kingdom |
Membership: | Adult Member |
Sport: | Football/Soccer |
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© Copyright 2022 Sport Session Planner Ltd.
Developed with Partnership Developers, a division of Kyosei Systems.
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Unopposed (30 mins)
- aim is to combine knowledge from previous practices and link them to finishing
- reinforce:
1. creating angles by stepping away from the marker and seeing both the ball and our target2. disguised movement - dummy (time it)
3. communication so the could go in the correct direction
4. combinations: 1-2, wall pass, set pass. How are they relevant to the game?
- Y shaped pattern play, one in front of each goal. Once a player completes, they join the queue of the other. Give enough space in front of goal so they are able to complete the combos
- purpose behind the patterns not being centrally is for players to have the opportunity to finish both under an angle and frontally
- a GK is required
I. pass->follow->finish- practice stretch run where they need step away from their marker and time their run
II. set in middle->1-2 at top->finish- now they have to implement the stretch run after bouncing the ball and time their run once the second pass is played so they can receive the ball forward and on the run
III.set->bounce->play diagonally->cross->finish (as on blue diagram)- relate to positions
- middle player runs front post/ ST back post