Futsal Session (Junior): Futsal Academy- Level 1- Session 22

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James Kavanagh

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James Kavanagh
Name: James Kavanagh
City: Sacramento
Country: United States of America
Membership: Adult Member
Sport: Futsal
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Futsal Session Plan Drill (Colour): Ball Mastery Madness

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Futsal Session Plan Drill (Colour): Ball Mastery Madness
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Ball Mastery Madness (15 mins)

  • Activity Name: Ball Mastery madness. 
  • Activity Description: Set up as shown. Be sure to leave space between your little cones in the middle but not too much.  Evenly spread your group between the 4 corners- every player should have a ball. One player from each corner dribbles out to the pile of little cones and dribbles through them avoiding hitting cones and other players, they should dribble diagonally across to the opposite corner. Have the next player go when the player in front of them leaves the pile on the far side. Keep moving the cones in the middle to constantly change the directions players need to go. 
  • Progression/variation: Variation: Possibilities are but not limited
    too- 1: dribble both feet, 2: Single cuts Left, 4: Single cuts right, 3:
    toe taps all the way or more advanced players can do toe taps
    forwards and through the cones then rotate and do them backwards to
    head toward the next cone on the outside 4: soccer boxes all the way or more

    advanced can do forward backwards, 5: double cuts (outside left-
    inside left- outside right- inside right), 6: pull pushes with lace and

    sole switch feet, 7: sole roll left all the way, 8: sole roll right all the way 9: dribble in and add sole delays inside the pile of cones, 10: L turns. Should you need more you
    can add in attacking moves and/or scoops etc.
  • Coaching Points: Look to utilize every part of the foot when dribbling, lots of touches and soft touches when doing taps, boxes, cuts,
    pull pushes. Don't cross feet when doing sole rolls. Head up to see other players/cones. If other players are in the way sole delay or change direction. 

Futsal Session Plan Drill (Colour): 4 Goal Increasing/Decreasing numbers

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Futsal Session Plan Drill (Colour): 4 Goal Increasing/Decreasing numbers
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4 Goal Increasing/Decreasing numbers (20 mins)

  • Activity Name: 4 goal rising numbers. 
  • Activity Description:  Set up as shown. Coach serves a ball in- one player from each team runs out and the activity starts 1v1. Players can only score in the two goals next to the opposing team. Which ever team scores an additional player comes out for that team to then make the game 2v1. Keep playing until the game gets to five players and a goal.  If one team starts to struggle serve the ball to them more or let them add an additional player without scoring. 
  • Progression/ Variation: Have the game start 5v5 and if you score a member of the other team leaves the game. Or start 5v5 and if you score a member of your team leaves the game. Start 1v1 and if you score a member of the other team joins. 
  • Coaching points:   Being direct and quick to make use of numbers up situations. Working together and communicating.  Futsal techniques and trying to rotate when we have more numbers.  

Futsal Session Plan Drill (Colour): 3 Player opposite ala give and go

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Futsal Session Plan Drill (Colour): 3 Player opposite ala give and go
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3 Player opposite ala give and go (20 mins)

  • Activity Name: Introduction to a opposite side ala rotation (Opposed) 
  • Activity Description: Players work on the following rotation- Fixo (F) plays the ball and moves towards the opposite side ala, the
    opposite ala comes in to the middle and works the give and go with
    the ala on the ball. Example - Fixo passes to right side ala (RA) and moves
    towards the left side of the court. As the fixo moves towards the left
    side of the court the left side ala (LA) comes across the court towards the right side ala and works a give and go with them. The left side ala is
    now in the fixo position and the fixo is now in the left side ala position.  Players can work through the rotation then go 3v1 to try and score.  For groups of more then 6 have the players use the other half to practice. 
  • Coaching Points: - Good communication.
    - Timing and angles of runs.
    - Futsal technique on the ball - sole of the foot, scooping, turn and face, etc.                                               - Dynamic movement- quick and sharp. Being sure to pause for a moment to shield the run.                    - Players after they pass must run diagonally inside the court then check out, player receiving the ball comes inside behind. 

Futsal Session Plan Drill (Colour): Final Game

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Futsal Session Plan Drill (Colour): Final Game
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Final Game (20 mins)

Regular 5 v 5 - Final Game - No restrictions - Reinforce session topic.
- Encourage players to setup in a 3-1.
- Be sure to introduce players to the correct futsal positions (GK, Fixo,
Right & Left Ala, Pivot).

- Use futsal rules - 1 passback to GK, 4 second rule on sidelines, kick-
ins, corners.

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