Football/Soccer Session (Moderate): Game Speed & Movement (Start Time: 2022-06-13 08:00:00)

Profile Summary

Jeff Bird
Name: Jeff Bird
City: Hanover Park
Country: United States of America
Membership: Adult Member
Sport: Football/Soccer
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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Game Sim Sprints

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Game Sim Sprints
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Learning Objectives

Technical Physical
Speed, Recovery

Game Sim Sprints (25 mins)


Players start at A. When the coach blows the whistle, players walk from A to B. When they get to the cone at B, the spring at max speed to C. From C to D and to E, players jog at 50% effort before going to a full out sprint back from E to F. Players then slow to a walk to return to G.

First set is without a ball for 5 reps. Give players a 20 second rest between starting the next rep. 

Allow players a 1 minute recovery before starting the second set.

Second set is same as the first, but players dribble the soccer ball at the same paces as the first set between each designated spot.

Repeat the first and second sets to provide the appropriate level of overload relative to the fitness level of the players.

Note: for larger groups, have half the group dribble the first set, while the second group runs without the ball. Switch at the second set.

Adjustment: widen the length of the run to touchline to touchline with 10 yards extended beyond for jog and walk zones/

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Check Out-Check In

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Check Out-Check In
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Learning Objectives

Technical Technical
Ball skills: Touches
Technical Physical
Speed, Agility

Check Out-Check In (10 mins)

Equipment: 3 cones per area

Setup is simple: One cone (#1) is placed in the center of the playing area, about 5 yards from the touchline. Two cones are placed 15 yards away from the first come at approximately 30 degree angles for reference, left cone will be cone #2 and the right cone will be cone #3).

Activity follows the first 4 play areas in the diagram:

1) Player runs from the first cone (near touchline) to the left cone 15 yards away. When player gets to the cone #2, s/he will turn and face the passer, located at cone #1. Upon receiving the pass, the player takes a touch and moves from outside cone #1 to the inside of cone #1 and then plays the pass back.

2) After the player returns the pass to the passer, s/he sprints to the right side of cone #1, about 3 yards from the cone, to receive a pass form the passer. A simple wall pass is played back to the passer and then the player side steps to the left side of the cone to receive and play another wall pass back to the passer.

3) After the second wall pass is played at cone #1, the player then makes a sprinting run to and around to the outside of cone #3. The passer will send the ball to the player and then player will take one touch and then play the pass back to the passer.

4) Once the player passes the ball to the passer, the player sprints back to cone #1. The passer will receive the pass from the player and, one received, will leave the ball in place for the next passer and then sprint to cone #1, where the cycle will continue. 

After 5 minutes, players will switch directions and work from right to left instead of left to right.

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Recoverability

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Recoverability
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Learning Objectives

Technical Physical
Speed, Recovery

Recoverability (15 mins)

Use full soccer field, placing flags to create a goal zone, even width of the standard goal, approximately 10 yards forward of the penalty box on both ends. Centered from the midway of the goal line created by the flags, place one cone forward 5 yards and one cone toward the goal box for each goal zone.

Spilt the players into three groups. Two groups will actively play each other on the game field, the other team will act as neutral players, but stay within 1-1/2 to 2 yards of the touchlines. 

Players have six minutes to score 6 points. Points are awarded when a team passes the ball across the opposite ends goal line (between the flags). One point is awarded if all of the defending teams players are back in their defending half. Two points are awarded if not all of the defending team's players recover to the defending end. Teams are rotated after 6 minutes or six points, whichever comes first.

Only the designated player for each team defending the goal may be in the diamond to make contact with the ball. No hands can be used and all goals have to be waist-high or less. Players can score across the goal line from the forward side or backside. The fields touchlines and goal lines are the limits of inbounds play. Out of bounds balls are played by kicking it into play.

Coaching Point: The goal of this exercise is to get the full team to recover, defensively. Promote the tactic of getting behind the ball.

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Back/Forward: Drag timeline button