Football/Soccer Session (Academy Sessions): Basketball Chest Pass Session

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amy judge

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amy  judge
Name: amy judge
City: Glasgow
Country: United Kingdom
Membership: Adult Member
Sport: Football/Soccer
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Aim: Teach players the technique of the chest pass in basketball and allow them to get a small understanding of the game.

Objective 1: Learn the basics steps of a chest pass.

Objective 2: Use objective 1 to work on power and accuracy when working in pairs and groups.

Objective 3: To bring what was learned into competitive games.


Balls - 6

Cones - 8

Bips - 8

Duration/Place - 30mins in games hall. 

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Warm Up

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Warm Up
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Warm Up

Organizational / Instructions

* Split players into groups of 5 or 6 (dependant on numbers) and have the coach take a group to half the court.

* Set the groups into a circle and place one player in the middle (they will be it first).

* Groups will be told about how to do a chest pass and the technique used to do so.

* If the ball touches the floor then the last player to touch the ball now goes into the middle and this will continue going until warm up is over.

* For now the players will stay static so they can get used to doing a chest pass.

* The other end of the basketball court can be used if needed.

Coaching Points

* Players should place a W on the ball with their hands before passing.

* When pushing the ball away from them, they should keep their arms down and straight to allow better force better force of the ball.

* Players must communicate and call on whoever they're passing the ball to.

Progressions / Adaptations

* Add in a second defender

* encourage the players to speed up and pass faster.

Adaptations: Slow the players down and allow them to complete passes nice and slowly.

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Technical Practise

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Technical Practise
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Technical Practise

Organizational / Instructions

* Players will be asked to get into pairs and to get a ball between them.

* The person with the ball will line up on the first white line and their partner will stand at the first set of cones.

* Players will practise their chest pass power and technique to see how far they can get the ball to their partner.

* Once the pair finish 5 passes without dropping the ball, their partner will move back to the next set of cones until at the top and then switch positions.

Coaching Points

* Keep the ball chest level and aim for their partners chest a the target.

* Momentum when stepping forward and pushing outwards with their arms to keep a good motion of control

Progressions / Adaptations

Adaption: if unable to reach shorten the cones distance or take away the furthest conies if no pair is able to make it there.

Progression: Add in a further set of cones, but not a hugely great distance.

Progression: Added in competition to test patience and control when passing between pairs testing their passing under pressure. (first to 5 passes at each set of cones)

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Game Related Practise

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Game Related Practise
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Game Related Practise

Organizational / Instructions

* Players will be put in 2 teams of 6 and asked to line up behind a starting cone.

* The player at the beginning of the line must dribble a ball up to the cone in front of them, turn to face the rest of their team and chest pass back to them.

* Once they have done that, they can them run back to the end of their teams line and sit down to show their shot is over.

Coaching Points

* Even though its a race, ensure you're in control of the ball.

Progressions / Adaptations

* Instead of just passing the ball back to the line, the player must shoot into the hoop and score before they can return.

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Conditioned Game

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Conditioned Game
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Conditioned Game

Organizational / Instructions

* Players will be put into teams of 6 and will be asked to play a regular game of basketball, on the condition that they must do 5 chest passes before they're able to shoot into the other teams hoop.

* Players can use other passes but will still not be able to shoot until 5 chest passes have been complete.

Coaching Points

* Ensure you are always in a free space to receive a chest pass

* Go as fast and effectively as possible.

* Aim for your team mates chest.

Progressions / Adaptations

* Get the players to remain still if they have the ball

* Only allow chess passes and if they are not able to perform one within 5 seconds, the ball goes to the other team.

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Cool Down

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Cool Down
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Cool Down

Organizational / Instructions

Players can slow jog/walk around the court to bring down their heart rate.

Coaching Points

Don't try to push yourself, allow yourself to rest.

Progressions / Adaptations

Add in some stretches if necessary.

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