Football/Soccer Session (Difficult): Defending Principles

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Frank Greenawalt
Name: Frank Greenawalt
City: Riverside
Country: United States of America
Membership: Adult Member
Sport: Football/Soccer
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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Warm Up

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Warm Up
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Warm Up (25 mins)

Juggling (5 min)

Defending in 2's (10 min)

1. 25 x 25 area set up as shown

2. 12 players (8 attackers & 4 defenders)

3. 8 balls


1. Select 4 players who get into pairs & connect by holding the same pinnie, they start game as Defenders.

2. Defenders are not allowed to break away from eachother/let go of pinnie.

3. Attackers aim to dribble ball & avoid being tagged by the Defenders - not allowed outside of area.

4. If Defenders tag an Attacking player they are frozen

5. Attacker turns into a Defender when the next Attacker is tagged (2 players).They link together & Defend

6. Play until the last Attacker is left

Coaching Points:

1. Angle of approach

2. Communication - coach eachother

3. Interchanging of positions - Pressure (1st Defender) & Cover/Support 2nd Defender


P - Increase/Decrease the size of area

P - Give Defenders time limit to tag all Attackers (high pressure)

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Sm Sided Game: Pressing in Groups

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Sm Sided Game: Pressing in Groups
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Sm Sided Game: Pressing in Groups (20 mins)

Group Defending in 3's (15 min)

• Groups of 3 are 5yds apart, facing opposition on either end of area. • Practice starts with: ball fed-in by coach to one team who proceed to attack opponents 3v3 & move the ball (under control) into opponents’ end zone to score.

CP • Pressing distance, stance & balance. • Support distance, depth, angle & team balance. • Tracking runners whilst maintaining eye-contact with ball & developing play. • Defending against wall-passes & movement of A’s. • Simple progressions for this practice are:

- Add 1 player on each side line to assist team in possession &

increase potential to make wall-passes.

- Add 1 player in opponent’s end zone to play into & receive a return pass

before entering end zone: this increases need for D’s to consider

screening passes to A's.

Coaching Points

• Early decision to attack or defend. • Take personal responsibility for opponent when deciding to defend. • Press, cover, support & track opponents. • Concentration & managing player inter-changes of position, as a unit of three. Defensive play whilst ‘in balance’

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): 2 v 2 Defending to 3 goals

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): 2 v 2 Defending to 3 goals
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2 v 2 Defending to 3 goals (20 mins)

2 v 2 Sm Sided Game (15 min)

Goal scored or 30 sec. Switch sides ea 2 min. Progression: 3 v 3: Group can play in additional player after 4 touches. Coaching Points: Pressure (Direct towards your cover), Cover (Deny penetration of pass & dribble), Balance (Communicate and work as a group. Anticipate balls path. Force mistakes)

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): ESSG/SSG

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): ESSG/SSG
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ESSG/SSG (30 mins)

ESSG (15 min)

4-1-2 v 3-1-3: 3 min or two goals rotate teams

Restrictions: Connect 5 passes prior to scoring

Coaching Points:

A: Progression of 1 & 2 touch passing

B: Create angles of support

C: Look for switch

SSG (15 min) No Restrictions

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