Football/Soccer Session (Academy Sessions): High Press 9v9

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Pro-Club: Penn Fusion Soccer Academy

Ian Dawson

Profile Summary

Ian Dawson
Name: Ian Dawson
City: Pennsburg
Country: United States of America
Membership: Adult Member
Sport: Football/Soccer
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  • High Press - 9/11/7/10/6 
  • Directing Play centrally
  • Man marking vs Zonal marking
  • Counter Press
  • Team Shape when initiating pressure

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Techincal Phase

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Techincal Phase
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Learning Objectives

Technical Technical
Pressure position patience and power
Technical Tactical
Angle of appraoch, when to pressure and when to delay and direct
Technical Physical
Speed of recovery and pressure
Technical Psychological
Switching of mindsets (Attack to Defense)
Technical Social
Communication to direct

Techincal Phase (20 mins)


2v2 to wide goals 15x15 grid and goals 3 feet wide- 4-6 players each grid


Blue plays red, blue pressures and looks to win the ball back and attack through either red wide goals.

Two reps for each team then swap who plays the pass in and repeat.

Coaching Points:

  • Reinforce Individual Defending: Pressure, position and patience
  • Immediate pressure on the ball upon losing possession
  • Direct play toward supporting defender (not wide goals)
  • Pressure/Cover in 2's positioning (slide, drop or switch)
  • Descriptive Communication from 2nd Defender (cover player) 
  • Recovery Run to prevent penetration and delay
  • Only one bigger wide goal - provides angle of approach ideas and Higher line of pressure on ball
  • Central Big Goal -  provides angle of approach ideas and Higher line of pressure on ball

Move up winners and move down losers

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Pressing High and Directing Play

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Pressing High and Directing Play
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Learning Objectives

Technical Technical
All technical attributes.
Technical Tactical
Recognizing the transitional moment, from attack to defense. Defensive shape and line of pressure
Technical Physical
Power, accleration, body position and endurance
Technical Psychological
Switching mentality quickly from attacking defending.
Technical Social
Communication, direction and body communication

Pressing High and Directing Play (20 mins)


Coach feeds ball into Gk/2/3/5 Blue

Red look to stop Blue from scoring in wide goals

Red win ball back they look to score on central Blue Goal


  • Add transition 2 & 3 to red team in net to attack to work on winning ball back in wide areas.
Coaching Points
  • How quick can you pressure and direct centrally
  • Cover defenders mark players centrally
  • 9/11/7 initiate the pressure and directing of play
  • Communication 
  • Weak side midfield tucks in to prevent switch
  • Work hard as ball rolls
  • 1st defender directs and delays 
  • Cover and Balance
  • Recovery if penetrated e.g. 9 drops into 10 role if 10 Presses higher
  • Angle of pressure to prevent early penetration down wide channels

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Conditioned Game

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Conditioned Game
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Learning Objectives

Technical Technical
Angle and body position of pressure, quick cover for 2nd defender
Technical Tactical
Recognizing the change of shape from attack defense, compactness, direct and disrupt
Technical Physical
Speed in which defensive shape is formed: Power, strength, accelration and balance
Technical Psychological
Switching mentaility quickly, dealing with vertical/diagonal runners
Technical Social
Descriptive Communication, body language

Conditioned Game (25 mins)


7v7 (Gks) Blue passes through wide gate and scores = 3 goals

Possession through middle gate and scores = 1 goal

Red score within 4 passes = 3 goals

Red scores after 4 passes = 1 goal


Communication from players on each transition should occur continuously and then throughout possession 

Coach the Red Team

Coaching Points

  • Angle of run to prevent penetration 
  • 2nd player cover positioning
  • Communication to increase speed of pressure
  • Line of pressure to prevent easy possession out
  • Recovery Run - angle, speed and timing.
  • Can you immediately apply pressure? If not what do we need to do? Drop, direct and/or contain?
  • GK's focus/communicate on recovery runs and cover player 
  • Shape if team cannot prevent penetration through wide gates
  • Roles of central players as game is directing through the middle
  • Sideways and backwards is a positive outcome for defending team

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Game Phase

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Game Phase
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Learning Objectives

Technical Technical
Reinforce from previous phases
Technical Tactical
9/11/10/7/6 Understanding their roles
Technical Physical
Technical Psychological
Players reacting to failure and how they adapt
Technical Social
Communicating to direct players to win possession in middle channel

Game Phase (25 mins)

Play Phase

Players play 7v7 but continue to emphasize High Press, shape of the cover and balance shape to win possession centrally



  • Set a team a challenge of scoring within 4 passes after winning ball back (Counter Press)


Coaching Points

  • Reinforce on all points cover so far..
  • GK communication/direction to organize Pressure, recovery and shape and starting position
  • Prevent penetration, delay and direct 
  • Apply high pressure on ball - communication of when to drop and contain (GK, CB)
  • Are we delaying the attack? Or pressing to win the ball back? Emphasize good moments to do both.
  • Interchanging positions to create best defensive shape, recovery and pressure on the ball

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