Football/Soccer Session (Beginner): Academy WARM UP U14-U18

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Alex Sabatini

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Alex Sabatini
Name: Alex Sabatini
City: kleinburg
Country: Canada
Membership: Adult Member
Sport: Football/Soccer
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The objective of the warm-up is to assist players into to getting their heart rate up in order to prepare for the physical and mental demands of the anticipated training session.   

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): FIFA WARM UP

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): FIFA WARM UP
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FIFA WARM UP (10 mins)

Organization: Cones placed 5 meters a part for a total of 20 meters with 4 cones placed on each side of the grid 3 meters from the interior cones

-Movements at 50 %,increase load/% as you progress

-Movements will be done 2x each, except jog (3x) and accelerations (1x)


2.Jog/back-peddle alternating

3.High knees

4.Butt kicks


6.Wrap Around

7.45 degree angle cuts

8.45 degree angle shuffles


10.Close the gate

11.Open the gate

12. Leg Swings/Opposite Hands

13. Lunges

14. Shoulder Bump

15. Dance Around Your Partner

16. 'A' Skip

17. 'B' Skip

18. Sprinters Rapid High Knees

19. 80-90-100 Accelerations

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Fiorentina Warm Up

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Fiorentina Warm Up
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Fiorentina Warm Up (10 mins)

Organization: Players in a grid of 10 x 20 meters with only one ball. The entire team should be participating in the grid. Players will pass and move commencing with two touches per player and then progressing to one touch only. Pace and intensity should be at a very high level

Coaching Points:  1) Two touch progressing to one touch only

                                  2) Play in the direction you are facing

                                  3) Pass, turn, and support

                                  4) Quality of first touch

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Busy Bee

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Busy Bee
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Busy Bee (10 mins)

Organization: Activity takes place in a 20 x 20 area. Half of the players on the inside of the grid and half on the outside with a ball each.

Players on the inside of the grid move to perform the passing and receiving exercises listed below. After performing the passing and receiving requirement the player seeks to do the same with a different outside player. Players will work for 60 seconds and then switch roles with outside players.Work to rest = 1:1


1. Inside players(x) move to receive a pass from outside player (O) and pass back to the player with INSIDE of right foot within 2-3 touches.

2. 0’s move to receive a pass from X and pass back to the player with INSIDE of left foot within 2-3 touches.

3. O’s move to receive pass with INSIDE right foot and pass back with INSIDE of left foot.

4. O’s move to receive pass with INSIDE of left foot and pass back with INSIDE of right foot.

5. O’s move to receive pass and pass back with OUTSIDE of right foot.

6. O’s move to receive pass and pass back with OUTSIDE of left foot.

7. O’s receive ball half turned/side on and pass to a different X and take their place. X dribbles and performs the same with another player.

8.Ball in X’s hands. O’s move to receive service and perform inside of right foot volley back to X.

9.Ball in X’s hands. O’s move to receive service and perform inside of left foot volley back to X.

10.Ball in X’s hands. O’s move to receive service and perform inside of right & left foot volleys back to X.

11.Ball in X’s hands. O’s move to receive service and perform right & left foot instep volleys back to X.

12.Ball in X’s hands. O’s move to receive and head back to X.

13.O’s move to receive pass from X. O’s turn and pass to a different X and OVERLAPS to receive back and perform the same with a different X…(see overlap)

14.O’s move to receive pass from X. O’s turn and pass to a different X and perform a WALL PASS and X then perform the same with a different player on the outside…

15.Thigh pass

16.Chest pass

17.Chest and thigh back

18.Chest, thigh and volley back

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Pressure 2 - Possession With Pressure

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Pressure 2 - Possession With Pressure
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Pressure 2 - Possession With Pressure (10 mins)

Organization: Players compete in a 30 x 20 meter grid divided into two zones. The team in possession must complete at least ten passes before scoring a point. The defending team will send in two players to attempt recover the ball and if successful can play it back to their zone for a two point bonus. If the ball is simply dispossessed from the attacking team and cleared out of the grid, then the Coach will serve the ball  and re-start the play in the opposite zone and the sequence begins again going the other way.

Coaching Points:

                                  1) One touch only

                                  2) Move to space

                                  3) Play in the direction your are facing

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Animation Controls (PCs, Macs, Laptops):

Play animation
Play step-by-step
Repeat (toggle)
Full Screen

Back/Forward: Drag timeline button