Name: | Jason Short |
City: | Phoenixville |
Country: | United States of America |
Membership: | Adult Member |
Sport: | Football/Soccer |
See the guidance at the top of this page to understand why you are not seeing interactive Football/Soccer images.
Passing Squares
Set up:
1/2 field, 7 5x5 yard squares placed from touchline to touchline (see diagram). One player in each square without a ball. Rest of the players in open areas with a ball.
Players with a ball play into any open player in a square. Receive it back and move to next open square. Switch groups. Rep 1 - No coaching, warm up. Rep 2 - Points for each pass into and back from square. Competitive. Rep 3 - How can I play faster? Must beat score.
P1 - Must receive ball out of different side of the square then it was played in to.
P2 - Pull two players that different in the open field. If a defender wins give it back to attacker.
P3 - 5v5 in open area with 5 players in squares.
P4 - Same as above, make directional and phase of play.
Coaching Points:
Quality of pass and 1st touch, Verbal and non-verbal communication, Movement after the pass, Vision and decision making, Attacking open areas.
See the guidance at the top of this page to understand why you are not seeing interactive Football/Soccer images.
Set Up:
1/2 field to big goal and counter goals. 1-3-3-1 vs 2-3-1
8v7 out from big goal. Attacking team must pass ball into 18 to score. May not be defended when played in during 1st progression.
Take away restraining line.
Coaching Points:
Quality of pass and 1st touch, Verbal and non-verbal communication, Movement after the pass, Vision and decision making, Attacking open areas.
See the guidance at the top of this page to understand why you are not seeing interactive Football/Soccer images.
Power, Finesse and Head
Set Up
Split players into 3 teams. One line out 25 yards in the middle, two other lines on each side of goal. All players with a ball.
Player up top gets one touch to shoot. Continue run and receive ball on the ground from one player at post, first time finish. Continue run and soft tossed ball at 6yd line to head in. 1 point for each goal, 5 if all 3 converted. Rotate lines after all receive a turn. Teams add up points and winning team avoids silly punishment.
Coaching Points:
Part of foot, approach to ball, striking a ball, post finishing.
© Copyright 2022 Sport Session Planner Ltd.
Developed with Partnership Developers, a division of Kyosei Systems.
Animation Controls (PCs, Macs, Laptops):
Play animation
Play step-by-step
Repeat (toggle)
Full Screen
Back/Forward: Drag timeline button
Set up
3 taller cones at the start, one cone 12 yards out to start.
Players perform prescribed movements through the cones. Accelerate to the single cone, jog back to start.
a. Lateral slalom
b. Slalom square to taller cones
c. Lateral high knees
d. Lateral high knees with diagonal cone
Triangle set up: on coaches mark
a. circle around
b. circle around sprint to far cone angle back to wide cone
4-5 vertical cones: on coaches mark
a. vertical quick feet slalom
b. backwards vertical slalom
c. lateral shuffle
d. slalom lunge
e. two legged hops
f. dead leg runs
g. reverse figure 8
Coaching points
Small steps on turns, low body position on turns, plant on outside foot when turning, arm and leg coordiation, steady head, forward lean when accelerating.