Football/Soccer Session (Academy Sessions): First Touch- Receiving the Ball (Start Time: 2022-02-28 17:30:00)

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Jack Peraic-Cullen

Profile Summary

Jack Peraic-Cullen
Name: Jack Peraic-Cullen
City: Canberra
Country: Australia
Membership: Adult Member
Sport: Football/Soccer
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Session Objective:

  • Improve players first touch

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Technique Practice

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Technique Practice
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Technique Practice (20 mins)

Set Up:

  • Players in threes, positioned as shown. Both players at the sides with a ball; the player in the middle stands in a 2m x 2m grid without ball. Outside cone to middle is 5m.
  • Duration: 20mins


  • The exercise starts with a player on one side passing the ball to the player in the grid. They must move the ball with their first touch side-ways out of the grid and pass it back with their second touch.

    Then they receive the next ball from the player at the opposite side. Rotate positions after 10 repetitions. Use various techniques i.e. right/left foot only; inside/outside foot only.


  • The central player receives the ball, turns in the grid (one touch) and passes to the player at the opposite side with their 2nd touch. This player receives the ball and passes it back again to the player in the grid, etc. (so here we temporarily use one ball only!). Again: left and right; inside and outside foot.

Key Coaching Points:

  • Touch must taken outside of the cone.
  • Correct body positioning.
  • Play pass to the correct side.

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Skill training

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Skill training
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Skill training (30 mins)

Set Up:

  • 20mx20m
  • 2 even teams
  • 6 x 5mins


  • One ball per team (no defending)
  • Players look to play forward to their team’s free player (bouncer) on the outside.
  • When the bouncer receives the ball they must take the touch inside the grid with the player having passed the ball taking up the role on the outside.
  • All players on the one team must touch the ball before it reaches the other side.
  • two touch minimum and maximum.


  • Possession game.
  • Attempt to maintain possession.
  • Teams will be going in different directions
  • Points are awarded if the ball goes from one bouncer to another.
  • two touch minimum and maximum.

Key Coaching Points:

  • Ensure touch is with the back foot.
  • Body positions is facing forward.
  • Players without the ball are in a position to win the ball.
  • Touches are within close proximity.

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Skill game

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Skill game
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Skill game (25 mins)

Set Up:

  • 30mx20m
  • 5x 5mins
  • 6v6


  • 2 touch in your own half or it is a turn over.
  • Attacking half is unlimited.
  • Formation: 2-3-1

Key Coaching Points:

  • Ensure the team in possession have width and depth.
  • Body positions is correct to receive the ball.
  • Passes are primarily going forward not backwards.

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Animation Controls (PCs, Macs, Laptops):

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Back/Forward: Drag timeline button