Football/Soccer Session (Beginner): Dribbling and Shooting U8

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Nathan Mason
Name: Nathan Mason
City: Columbia
Country: United States of America
Membership: Adult Member
Sport: Football/Soccer
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For this session coach will continue to develop dribbling foundations technique.  We want players to start to get comfortable with the ball using different surfaces of the foot. As well emphasizing change of speed when dribbling around the soccer field.  The biggest take away for each player should be dribbling with their head up and recognizing when to take small touches vs when to take big touches. There will an emphasis on using different surfaces of the foot skills in order to maneuver around a cone or pressure

. Engage each player and feel to either regress an activity or make it more difficult by adjusting to what the players need during the session. 

Introduce MVP system at the beginning of practice 

-all players start with 5 MVP points at the beginning of practice

-a player will receive 1 MVP point if they are being a good listener, trying their hardest, and show mastery of the skills being taught

-a layer will lose 1 MVP point if they are not listening to coach, distracting the group, and not participating in the session

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): SS Warm Up

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): SS Warm Up
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SS Warm Up (10 mins)


-30x20 field with 2 teams practicing on each half

-every player with a ball


Foundation 1: Individual Possession

1. Players will dribble around the field using different dribbling techniques

demonstrate and guide the player through the following selection

Small touches (Messi dribble): head up using the laces (pinky toe facing down) taking small quick touches 

Big touches (Ronaldo dribble): head up to recognize a lot of space in front of you accelerate with a big touch (with laces) to attack space

2. Introduce and demonstrate players to the following ball mastery foundations

Kindergarten skill foundations: 

-toe taps

-top taps going forwards and backwards

-pendulums (side to side touches with inside)

-sole rolls 

-inside/outside touches

-pull back 

Coaching Points

-training position (on your toes ready to listen before coach says GO!)

-head up when dribbling

-practice dribbling with both feet

-small touches for close control

-big touches to attack space

-observe and dribble into open space

-speed of play (encourage players to dribble like a soccer player not like a turtle/zombie)


Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): SS Technical Dribbling Repetitions

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): SS Technical Dribbling Repetitions
This session includes animated drill(s) Save Image: Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): SS Technical Dribbling Repetitions Create Video:

SS Technical Dribbling Repetitions (15 mins)


  • 30x20 field split into 2 channels
  • split players into 2 different color teams 
  • every player with a ball 
  • 2 pug goals 


Variation 1: individual technical repetitions  

1.  each player from each line will have to dribble to the end of their channel 

2. the player will perform a turn of coaches choice which will then trigger the next player in line to dribble in 

3. after a couple of rounds demonstrate new moves + using both feet to perform turn 

Variation 2: team vs team dribbling

1. same as the first activity but players must now high 5 team when dribbling back to original spot  

2. now players will race team vs team 

3. first team to have everyone back their original spots will win the dribbling race and each player will win 1 MVP point

Coaching Points

-listening skills

-stay inside grid

-head up when dribbling

-close ball control

-dribbling technique

-quality of dribbling technique

-execution of skill

-change of speed

-cheer on teammates

-game speed


1. players must now dribble back and score a goal before next teammate can go

2. players now have to dribbles in 2 different boxes before dribbling back to original spot 

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): SS Condition Game #1: Dribbling Race

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): SS Condition Game #1: Dribbling Race
This session includes animated drill(s) Save Image: Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): SS Condition Game #1: Dribbling Race Create Video:

SS Condition Game #1: Dribbling Race (15 mins)


  • 30x20 field split into 2 channels
  • split players into 2 different color teams 
  • every player with a ball 
  • 2 pug goals 


Variation 1:  Dribble around the cones 

(individual vs individual) 

1. the 1st player from each line next to the goal will start to dribble when coach says "GO!" 

2.  players will take messi/carli lloyd touches to dribble around the their cone in the middle of the field

3. first player to dribble back to their line will receive 1  MVP point

4. same activity  now add a skill foundation repetitions once they reach their cone and have to dribble back  

Variation 2: Team vs Team dribbling race

1. same as the first activity but now players will be playing team vs team

2. when coach says "RACE!" both teammate will set off and must dribble around their cones

3. then players must dribble back by finishing the race with a shot on goal

4. if both teammates score first then the winning team will receive 1 point

5.first team to get to 5 points each player on the team will receive 1 MVP point

Coaching Points

-head up when dribbling 

-close ball control

-dribbling technique

-quality of dribble technique 

-knees over toes

-toe down (pinky toe-touch step-touch step)

-change of direction skill move

-change of speed

-cheer on teammates 

-game speed 


1. after both teammates dribble

2. they must now score to goal

3. add a cone 5 yards away from goal to give distance to avoid them shooting close in front of goal 

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): SS Condition Game #2 : Dribble Across Silver Lake

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): SS Condition Game #2 : Dribble Across Silver Lake
This session includes animated drill(s) Save Image: Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): SS Condition Game #2 : Dribble Across Silver Lake  Create Video:

SS Condition Game #2 : Dribble Across Silver Lake (15 mins)


  • 30x20 field split into 3 equal channels
  • split players into 2 different color teams 
  • every player with a ball 
  • 2 pug goals 


Dribble across silver lake

1. start with 2 lake monsters in the middle of the thirds 

2.  players from each end zone must dribble across "silver lake" (middle of grid) to get across the other end zone

3. lake monsters (taggers) must steal the ball from an attacker and bring it to a yellow cone in their middle grid 

4. if an attacker loses their ball the become a tagger in the middle of the grid 

5. last player not to lose their ball will win 2 MVP points 

Coaching Points

-head up when dribbling 

-close ball control

-dribbling technique

-quality of dribble technique 

-knees over toes

-toe down (pinky toe-touch step-touch step)

-change of direction skill move

-change of speed

-cheer on teammates 

-game speed 


1. after lake monsters win the ball they must shoot to either goal 

2. they are only allowed 3 touches before shooting 

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Small Sided Scrimmages

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Small Sided Scrimmages
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Small Sided Scrimmages (30 mins)


-30x20 fields

-spare balls on the side of goals

-player split into 2 teams 


-observe flow of the game

-step in for a coaching point is using coaches toolbox (freeze, on the flow, natural stoppage, individual reference & during half time)

-paint the picture of desired movement, skill, restart or soccer rule


2v2- line

3v3- triangle

4v4- diamond 

Coaching Points

1. reinforce 3 lines of attack


2. Can teammates move into space when player has possession of the ball, to create gaps for player in possession and options for the players to pass to

3. guide players on when to dribble, pass or shoot

Week 4 Restart: Direct Free Kick

if a foul is committed or handball demonstrate/guide players how to set up a direct free kick to goal. 

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Animation Controls (PCs, Macs, Laptops):

Play animation
Play step-by-step
Repeat (toggle)
Full Screen

Back/Forward: Drag timeline button