Jonnathan Pineda
Name: | Jonnathan Pineda |
City: | North Bergen |
Country: | United States of America |
Membership: | Adult Member |
Sport: | Football/Soccer |
For this week we will focus on passing technique. Players will be tested on their abilityto use difference surfaces of their foot to
pass and receive. Having correct technique will benefit their vision and ball control when making and receiving a pass.
See the guidance at the top of this page to understand why you are not seeing interactive Football/Soccer images.
-create imaginarysquare boundaryinside or set up 4 cones
-each cone is 5 big steps apart
-1 soccer ball
SAQ (speed agility quickness)
1. start with jogging to the front left cone at 50% pace then side shuffle
to right then finish with backpedaling to center
2. shuffle to the back right cone, jog to the left cone at 50% and then suffle back to center
3. listen to the instructions on what skill to perform with the ball to
then jog around a cone to starting position in middle of triangle
3. perform skill movements with ball as instructed bycoach
Coaching Points
-correct jogging technique
-arms bychest
-launch of back foot
-arms pumping next to chest
-once speed is gained raise your head
-head up when performing movements
-focus on technique
-position of arms when performing movements
-fluid movement
-practice GAMESPEED
-add ball for skill set movements around cones
See the guidance at the top of this page to understand why you are not seeing interactive Football/Soccer images.
imaginarysquare boundaryif you are inside or set up 4 cones to
make a box
1. demonstrate skill set
2. practice with right and left foot
3. once skill is improved demonstrate skill at Gamespeed
skill set FREESTYLE
1. L turn
2. pendulum
3. sole drag
5. sole drag
7. scissor+pendulum to other cone
8.repeat going other way with opposite foot
5. Sole roll to other cone
3.CHALLENGE: first player to come up with a 2 move combo of their choosing will win 1 MVP if they don't lost loose ball control
Coaching Points
-close ball control
-planting foot
-focus on technique
-exaggeration of move
-body position
-once move is mastered
-practice GAMESPEED
See the guidance at the top of this page to understand why you are not seeing interactive Football/Soccer images.
-imaginarysquare boundaryif you are inside or set up 4 cones to
make a box
1. start with 1 minutes of free playjuggling (use different parts of
the bodyto juggle)
2. introduce new juggling technique
3. CHALLENGE: How many bounce juggles/regular juggles can
you do in 1 minute?
Coaching Points
-eyes on the ball
-low bounce
-toe up
-back spin
-locked angle
-weight of juggle
juggling/freestyle (5 mins)
-variety of juggles using different body parts
-show freestyle juggling skill
See the guidance at the top of this page to understand why you are not seeing interactive Football/Soccer images.
-wall or turned table to pass ball back to
-2 cones 3 steps apart
1 touch inside passes (right+ left foot) start at cones closes to the wall
Repeat 1 touch passes for 30 seconds and always be on your toes
Do this for two rounds of 30 seconds and see what is your maximum passes completed.
Then move back to the cones furthest from the wall for:
2 touch inside passes alternating from right to left foot
1. pass ball with inside then receive with taking a touch with the inside of the foot to control towards opposite foot
(1 minute for each foot)
3. repeat this now using laces to pass the ball
2 touch receiving with outside of the foot (right+ left foot)
1. start with a pass in the middle then open up with taking a touch with the outside of the foot
the right side of cone
2. pass ball back to the middle of the line then open up to the left cone bytaking a touch then passing back to the middle
Coaching Points
-ready position to receive
-observe target
-planting foot
-lock ankle
-toe up
-vshape follow through
-weight of pass
-thought of next action
See the guidance at the top of this page to understand why you are not seeing interactive Football/Soccer images.
-wall or turned table to pass ball back to
-2 cones 4 steps apart
1 touch double wall pass ending it with a change of direction receiving touch
1. From one end of the cones with the inside of your foot pass the ball diagonally towards the wall to receive in between the cones.
2. Repeat the one touch pass into the wall from between the cones towards the other end of the cones.
3. Receive the ball by taking an inside touch in the oposite direction of where you were running from. (progress into outside or behind the foot touch)
Coaching Points
-ready position to receive
-observe target
-planting foot
-lock ankle
-toe up
-vshape follow through
-weight of pass
-thought of next action
© Copyright 2022 Sport Session Planner Ltd.
Developed with Partnership Developers, a division of Kyosei Systems.
Animation Controls (PCs, Macs, Laptops):
Play animation
Play step-by-step
Repeat (toggle)
Full Screen
Back/Forward: Drag timeline button
core workout (5 mins)
-imaginarysquare boundaryif you are inside or set up 4 cones to
make a box
1. listen to coaches instructions on what core body exercise to
2. perform that stretch/exercise for 1 minute
3. MVP point for player that never drops their from/ball for 3 minute
core workout
Coaching Points
-demonstrate exercise
-breakdown the technique of the exercise/stretch
-focus on technique
-get into practice mindset
-mental strength
-show variations of exercise/stretch if needed