Football/Soccer Session (Academy Sessions): 1 V 1 Defending with progression

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Vill Powell

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Vill Powell
Name: Vill Powell
City: sheffield
Country: United Kingdom
Membership: Adult Member
Sport: Football/Soccer
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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): 1 v 1 Transition game

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): 1 v 1 Transition game
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1 v 1 Transition game (30 mins)


Transition game. 4v4 with 3 floating players (yellow - ideally midfield players).

Objective is for the outside team and the floating players to keep possession. Outside players stay on the corners of the area.

If the inside team win the ball they must quickly make the transition from inside to outside and the outside team must react and move quickly inside to win the ball.

Play for 4 mins rest for 1 min. Do 4 sets of the practice. Rotate players as necessary.


- Passing and receiving technique

- Passing accuracy

- Touch and control (creative)


- Combination play

- Spatial awareness (move the ball from tight areas in to space)

- Movement off the ball


- Dynamism


- Communication and information detail

- Focus and concentration

Player Focus

Can you win the ball when defending

Can you delay slow down attacks

Can you win the ball back

Can you stop passing through central areas

Can you win the ball back or force defenders to play to full backs

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): 1v1 Defending skill

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): 1v1 Defending skill
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1v1 Defending skill (15 mins)

Organisation: Area 20x20 with defenders (BLUE) on 1 side (A) and Attackers (RED) on the opposite side (B). Balls with attackers.

Description: The attackers (B) take turns to dribble across the area and the defender tries to stop them. If tackled or forced out on either side of the area, the attacker takes the role of


Progression: If the defender wins the ball or forces the attacker out of the area, they are rewarded with a free shot at goal.

Technical: Closing down/pressure, Angle of approach, body shape, foot position.

Tactical: Force away, delay, deny.

Physical: Pressure, pace of approach.

Psychological/Social: Decision to tackle.

Learning Objectives: Getting into line, forcing the player in a direction of your choosing.

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Pressing warm up passing drill

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Pressing warm up passing drill
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Pressing warm up passing drill (15 mins)

Equipment for session

16 balls


3 sets of bibs

First Aid kit

Surface 4G


Set up as shown. Rule is to pass to the man on your left and run to the position on your right. If you receive a pass then the player opposite must run to press and close down. Continue the sequence. Rotate the direction (pass right, run left)


- Players can choose to pass either side but continue to run to the position opposite


- Improve passing and receiving techniques

- Body position when closing down


- Dictate the direction of play


- Make up ground as quickly as possible


- Communication

- Encourage team mates

- Maintain focus on the task of either receiving and passing or pressing

Learning Objectives

Passing drill with some pressing movements and triggers involved. Can players identify a trigger to close down by, initially, moving off the pass and, progressively, by realising where the previous player has pressed and what direction he is showing the passing player to play (dictating the direction of play).

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): 1v1 Defending angles skill

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): 1v1 Defending angles skill
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1v1 Defending angles skill (20 mins)


Two 12x20 areas with 3 gate goals as shown


Black defending team, White attacking team. Player 1 from the defending passes into player 2 who turns and passes to player 3 of the attacking team. The attacker/3 must score by dribbling past the defender/1. The attacker gets 2 points for a dribble through yellow goals, 1 point for the red goals.


If the defender wins the ball they must pass to their player on the outside

Rotate players/opponents every 3 minutes

Coaching Points

Close down quickly - pressure the ball

Body position - side on, footwork

Slow down/delay the attacker

Dont dive in - patience, look for triggers


- Improve passing and receiving techniques

- Body position when closing down


- Dictate the direction of play


- Make up ground as quickly as possible


- Communication

- Encourage team mates

- Maintain focus on the task of either receiving and passing or pressing

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): SSG

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): SSG
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SSG (30 mins)

Organisation: Half pitch size 50x30. 2 teams and balls in the goals.

Description: Play normal game rules but with emphasis on defending as an individual and as a unit.

Technical: Isolate the ball carrier and put their head down. Control pace and angle of ball carrier. Pressuring angle determines covering angle and distance (Predictability)

Tactical: Can you see the player your marking and the ball? Eliminate passing angle, Sharing workload/exchanging roles.Awareness of space in behind

Physical: Work hard to close down. Intercept pass/deny turn/delay. Tracking.

Psychological/Social: Communication. Organise each other. Share workload.

Learning Objectives: Defend the goal in small groups

Player Focus

Can you win the ball when defending

Can you delay slow down attacks

Can you win the ball back

Can you stop passing through central areas

Can you win the ball back or force defenders to play to full backs

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