Football/Soccer Session (Moderate): Opening up on first touch

Profile Summary

Liam Robertson
Name: Liam Robertson
City: Asbury Park
Country: United States of America
Membership: Adult Member
Sport: Football/Soccer
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Opening up on First Touch Attack Turning on the Ball All

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Welcome game

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Welcome game
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Welcome game (25 mins)

Play two 3v3 games as a warm up.

  • Let team play (6min)
  • Introduce the theme of the day (3min)
  • Coach over the top looking for theme of the day (3 min)

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Opening up square

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Opening up square
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Opening up square (20 mins)

Opening up on the first touch 

Set up:  Set up a square 15x15. Have one two blue and two reds on the outside opposite each other and one player from each team in the middle. There are three phases to progress the activity. A player is in the middle for 90 seconds.  

Phase 1

Rules: Each player on the outside has a ball. They pass the ball to the central player and tell them man on. The central player plays the ball straight back. After the central player plays it back, they run across the box to the opposite player, make an angle, and repeat—swap players after 90 seconds.

Scoreboard: The middle player gets 1 point for every pass and 2 points if they play it once. Ask both players their score after 90 seconds.

Progression / Phase 2

Rules: Now, there is only one ball per team. The central player makes an angle. The side player plays it into them and instructs the central player to turn. The central player takes the ball on their back foot across the body and plays to the opposite side. Note that both teams are going simultaneously. The central player needs to be aware. Side players are encouraged to move up and down their line to create passing lanes.

Scoreboard: The middle player gets 1 point for every pass and 2 points if they play it once. Ask both players their score after 90 seconds.

Progression / Phase 3

Rules: In the final phase, there is only one group. The exercise becomes a 3v1 keep-away game. Side players stay on the side. It's up to the central player to win the ball for their team. The side players can now pass to each other, too.

Scoreboard: A team gets a point for every time the ball is switched across the box.

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Opening up big game

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Opening up big game
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Opening up big game (20 mins)

Opening up on the first touch 

Set up:

  • Set up a square and a 30x30 box.
  • Two teams, red vs. Blue.
  • If you have odd numbers, put a neutral in the middle.
  • One player from each team is in a corner, diagonal from their teammate.

Rules: The aim is to get the ball from one corner of the box to the other without the other team intercepting. Can you go through, around, or over?  

Scoreboard: One point for each successful switch.

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Gate goals game

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Gate goals game
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Gate goals game (20 mins)

Gates goals game

Set up:

  • Set up a square and a 30x30 box.
  • Two teams, red vs. Blue.
  • If you have odd numbers, put a neutral in the middle.
  • Place five gates goals all over the field.

Rules: The aim is to connect with your teammates by passing them through a gate. Only passes through the gates count as point.


  • 1 PT for each successful pass
  •  2 Pt for each consecutive pass
  •  The Scoreboard coach has cones and poles.

Constraints:  encourage teams to press quickly to make the team in possession play faster.

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): EndZone Game

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): EndZone Game
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Learning Objectives


EndZone Game (20 mins)

Play into end zone game

Set up: Set up a 30x20 Field with x2 5x20 endzones at the ends of the field (blue/red). Split the group into two teams, Blue and Red.

  • Rules: Aim of the game is to get all cones. After you score leave the ball, pick up a cone and take it back to your end. Team that just conceded will grab the ball and start playing. If they play quickly they will be +1 for a short period.

  • Dribble over end line
  • Pass into end zone
  • Pass into end zone, player can not wait in the zone (timing of pass/run)

ADD: individual points, how many times can you receive on your back foot and face forward and/or back foot inside/laces. (this can be added to all games)

Progression: Add keepers and goals 

  • Rounds of 3-4 minutes and/or when a team wins (gets all cones)

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Regular game

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Regular game
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Regular game (20 mins)

Play regular scrimmage. Set up the field size based on the number of player, age and ability.

1) Let play 

2) Add scoring system 

3) Link scoring system to theme of the day 

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Back/Forward: Drag timeline button