Football/Soccer Session (Academy Sessions): FIFA 11+ Warm Up (Book)

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Pro-Club: Elite Football Club

Tony Mee

Profile Summary

Tony Mee
Name: Tony Mee
City: Doncaster
Country: United Kingdom
Membership: Adult Member
Sport: Football/Soccer


Goal of this training is to encourage combination play to build up to shooting & confidence in shooting. Looking to shoot in the 4v4 game should be the priority anytime the ball is received by a player.

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): FIFA 11+ Warmup

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): FIFA 11+ Warmup
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FIFA 11+ Warmup (10 mins)

The Session:

The course is made up of 6 pairs of parallel cones, approx 5-6 yd apart.

2 players start at the same time from the first pair of cones, jog along the inside of the cones & do the various exercises on the way. After the last cone they run back along the outside. On the way back, speed can be increased progressively as players warm up.

Part 1 - Running Exercises (8 min)

1) Jog Straight Ahead - 2 sets

2) Hip Out - 2 sets

3) Hip In - 2 sets

4) Running Circling Partner - 2 sets (Jog to first cone, shuffle sideways toward your partner, shuffle an entire circle around one another & then shuffle back to the first cone)

5) Running Shoulder Contact - 2 sets (Jog to first cone, shuffle sideways towards your partner, in the middle, jump sideways towards each other to make shoulder-to-shoulder contact. Land on both feet with your hips & knees bent.)

6) Running Quick Forwards & Backwards - 2 sets (Run quickly to 2nd cone, then run backwards to 1st cone, Repeat, running 2 cones forwards & 1 cone backwards until you reach the other side of pitch)

Part 2 - Strength / Plyometrics / Balance

7.1) The Bench - Static Front Plank - 3 sets of 20-30 sec

7.2) The Bench - Alternate Legs - 3 sets of 2 sec holds for 40-60 sec.

7.3) The Bench - One Leg Lift & Hold - Each leg 3 sets of 20-30 sec each.

8.1) The Sideways Bench - Static Side Plank - 3 sets each side 20-30 sec.

8.2) The Sideways Bench - Raise & Lower Hip - 3 sets each side 20-30 sec.

8.3) The Sideways Bench - Leg Lift - 3 sets each side 20-30 sec each.

9.1) Hamstrings (Beginner) - Kneel on soft surface, have partner hold ankles down firmly. 1 set of 3-5 reps

9.2) Hamstrings (Intermediate) - 1 set of 7-10 reps.

9.3) Hamstrings (Advanced) - 1 set of 12-15 reps.

10.1) Single-Leg Stance - Hold the Ball - Stand on one leg while holding ball in front of you. 2 sets each leg for 20-30 sec.

10.2) Single- Leg Stance - Throwing Ball with Partner - Stand 2-3 yd apart, each on 1 leg. 2 sets each leg for 30 sec.

10.3) Single Leg Stance - Test Your Partner - Stand on 1 leg opposite your partner about 1 arms length apart. Whilst you both try to keep your balance, each of you in turn tries to push the other off balance in different directions. 2 sets of 30 sec each leg.

11.1) Squats - W/Toe Raise - 2 sets of 30 sec

11.2) Squats - Walking Lunges - Lunge your way across pitch then jog back. 2 sets of approx 10 each leg.

11.3) Squats - One Leg Squats - 2 sets of 10 each leg

12.1) Jumping - Vertical Jumps - 2 sets of 30 sec.

12.2) Jumping - Lateral Jumps - 2 sets of 30 sec.

12.3) Jumping - Box Jumps - 2 sets of 30 sec.

Part 3 - Running Exercises

13) Running - Across the Pitch - @ 75-85% max pace. 2 sets

14) Running - Bounding - 2 sets across pitch

15) Running - Plant & Cut - Jog 4-5 steps, then plant on the outside leg & cut to change direction. Accelerate & sprint 5-7 steps @ high speed before you decelerate & do a new plant & cut, repeat & jog back. 2 sets.

See FIFA 11+ Poster for more detailed instructions on body mechanics

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