Football/Soccer Session (Moderate): Corner Finishing with Targets

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Megan Remec
Name: Megan Remec
City: Westminster
Country: United States of America
Membership: Adult Member
Sport: Football/Soccer
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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): 5v5 + 4 Targets

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): 5v5 + 4 Targets
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5v5 + 4 Targets (20 mins)

5v5 Corner Finishing with 4 Targets, plus goalkeepers. 40x50

5v5 in the middle section. Targets are neutrals who will serve the ball to the team which plays to them. 1-2 touches. Cannot defend Targets initially (can add defending later). Replace Target players every few minutes or reps.

Team that scores retains possession. All restarts from goalkeepers of the team in possession. Soccer balls in goals.

Goals from services count extra to encourage finishing and chances.

3pt = volley goal from service

5pt = header goal from service

1pt = goal in the run of play

Coaching Points:

-fall through the ball, land on kicking foot

-prep ball on an angle, turn hips less

-shoot across the goalkeeper, so a save from the goalkeeper can spill the ball in front of goal

-strike top half of the ball, shots at knee height or below are hardest for a goalkeeper

-Target players prepare body for service early by receiving across your body, serving with the correct foot

-timing of runs

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Game 7v7

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Game 7v7
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Game 7v7 (20 mins)

7v7 game + GK's (or appropriate numbers)

Focus on bringing in technique and basic tactical elements for best success.

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