Football/Soccer Session (Moderate): Training u14s 13/06/2024

Profile Summary

Ante Markovic
Name: Ante Markovic
City: Abbotsbury
Country: Australia
Membership: Adult Member
Sport: Football/Soccer
Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Screen 1

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Screen 1
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Screen 1


6m x 6m, 6 players each grid, 4 flat discs, 5 balls each grid. 

Each variation - 2min rounds, 30second rest. 


How to play:  (1st variation) 

2 touch, focusing on body shape, follow your pass


2nd variation: 

1 touch, with a bounce pass at all 4 points. 

Focusing on weight of pass and weight of touch


3rd Variation: 

Add a central player who will randomly press onto a working player, this triggers a potential change of direction and for players to scan. (3 rotations for a change in the central player. 


Coaching points:

Body shape

First touch 


Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Screen 2

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Screen 2
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Screen 2


8 Attackers vs 6 defenders (Green and Orange Bibs, 8Bibs of each)

1 GK, 6 Flat Discs & Balls 


How to Play:

GK distributes the ball to wide areas (Throw) which engages the wide players to execute a cross for 3x attackers vs 2 defenders 


Coaching Points:

Technique for crosses and finishing 

Keeper Distribution 

Attacking runs (Front, back and cutback) 



-Keepers to distribute with a longer pass

- crosses to be lifted/lobbed

- Keep scores, competitive nature

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Screen 3

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Screen 3
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Screen 3


6 Orange Bibs, 6 Green Bibs, 6 White Bibs, balls, 4 red cones, 2 big white cones. 


How to Play: 

- 2Min Rd, 30 seconds Rest. 

- 6v6+1, with 4 bouncers on the outside 

-Working on mid third to Final third progression. 

- 5 passes equals a goal, however all Players must be in the mid third and onwards 

- bouncers have 1 touch

- free play in the centre

- winning team stay on. 



Limit the touches

Reduce amount of passes for a goal

Include 2 small goals and a large goal 


Coaching Points- 

Body shape

Movement off the ball for support


Energy when moving forward



Team 1: Perez, West, Dandolo, Badolato, Baltovski, Lazo


Team 2: Simkhada, Webster, Gaudiosi, Spresian, Taylor, Catania


Team 3: Youssef, Karatasos, Giraldo, Zammit, Tadrosse 

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Screen 4

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Screen 4
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Screen 4


Balls, 4x Flat disc/cones, 2 goals, 3 teams of 5 Players, 5x Blue Bibs, 5x Green Bibs, 5x Yellow Bibs 

1x White Bib (bouncer/joker) 


How to Play: 

- Shoot on site, play starts from the GK at all times (start of RD, ball goes out of play or a clear foul) 


- 4-5 bouncers on the outside have 1 touch 

Players in the zone, free play. 


- Each Game is 1min 30sec, unless one team scores 2 goals sooner. 


- losing team transitions into bouncers


- Winners stay on


Coaching Points:


- Technique

- nearest player press. 

- Movement off the ball

- follow up on the shot/finish



Blue: Simkhada, Aston, Poimer, AC, Zammit

Green: Perez, Will, Santi, Javier, Peppon 

Yellow: Connor, Westy, James, Oscar, Tadrosse 


GK- Lazo & Taylor


Bouncer: Fabian 1st, James 2nd, Will 3rd, Santi 4th

Animation Controls (PCs, Macs, Laptops):

Play animation
Play step-by-step
Repeat (toggle)
Full Screen

Back/Forward: Drag timeline button