Jake Castro
Name: | Jake Castro |
City: | Swansea |
Country: | United States of America |
Membership: | Adult Member |
Sport: | Football/Soccer |
See the guidance at the top of this page to understand why you are not seeing interactive Football/Soccer images.
Description: Juggling Test
Left Foot Only - 2 min.
Right Foot Only - 2 min.
Perfect Juggles - 2 min.
Whole Body - 3 min.
Key Coaching Points:
1) On toes.
2) Eye on the ball.
3) Get in line with ball.
4) Decide and present surface towards ball.
5) Relax on impact.
Coaches R&R's:
HC - Manage time/activity.
AC - Record Data.
2m or 3m / 15s / 4x
10m Total
See the guidance at the top of this page to understand why you are not seeing interactive Football/Soccer images.
Description: Control Game
Red team serves while blue team works.
Various trapping techniques including:
- Inside foot volley.
- Laces volley.
- Thigh control.
- Chest control.
- Too hard: Players trap ball and control to ground prior to returning to server.
- Too easy: Servers trap with same technique.
Key Coaching Points:
1) On toes.
2) Eye on the ball.
3) Get in line with ball.
4) Decide and present surface towards ball.
5) Relax on impact.
Coaches R&R's:
HC - Manage time/activity.
AC - Record Data.
1m / 10s / 8x (4 per group)
10m Total
See the guidance at the top of this page to understand why you are not seeing interactive Football/Soccer images.
Description: 1v1 + Control
- 4 groups of 3.
- Defender rotates to become attacker.
- Player tosses ball in air to attacking player.
- Defensive player may enter the game as soon as the attacking player touches the ball.
-1 point for each dribble through the gates.
- Defender may win ball and dribble through same gates
- Too hard: Regress to technical control with no opposition or shadow defender who may apply pressure but not win the ball.
- Too easy: Defensive player may enter as soon as ball is tossed.
Key Coaching Points:
1) On toes.
2) Eye on the ball.
3) Get in line with ball.
4) Decide and present surface towards ball.
5) Relax on impact.
Coaches R&R's:
HC - Manage time/activity, coach groups 1 & 2.
AC - Coach groups 3 & 4
3m / 30s / 4x
14m Total
See the guidance at the top of this page to understand why you are not seeing interactive Football/Soccer images.
Description: Handball + Control
- Maximum 3 steps then player can:
* Pivot.
* Pass.
- Ball changes possession when:
* Intercepted by other team in air or on pass attempt.
* Cannot steal possession from hands.
- Must control pass with other body part (besides hands or arms).
- Must complete 1 pass after controlling ball. (the receiver now throws)
- Point awarded when controlled and received in end zone from pass (cannot run through for point)
- Too hard: Receivers may use one bounce before catching to receive. Defenders cannot use hands to intercept.
- Too easy: Use specific parts of body to receive for extra points.
Key Coaching Points:
1) On toes.
2) Eye on the ball.
3) Get in line with ball.
4) Decide and present surface towards ball.
5) Relax on impact.
Coaches R&R's:
HC - Manage time/activity, coach field 1.
AC - Coach field 2.
4m / 1m / 3x
15m Total
See the guidance at the top of this page to understand why you are not seeing interactive Football/Soccer images.
Description: 6v6 SSG
- Normal game rules.
- All restarts are throw ins.
- Every third pass in a throw in.
- Point awarded when controlled and received in end zone from pass. 3 points awarder if controlled in end zone directly from any throw in.
Key Coaching Points:
1) On toes.
2) Eye on the ball.
3) Get in line with ball.
4) Decide and present surface towards ball.
5) Relax on impact.
Coaches R&R's:
HC - Manage time/activity, coach Red team.
AC - Coach Blue team.
10m / 2m / 3x
(Last interval play free)
34m total
© Copyright 2022 Sport Session Planner Ltd.
Developed with Partnership Developers, a division of Kyosei Systems.
Animation Controls (PCs, Macs, Laptops):
Play animation
Play step-by-step
Repeat (toggle)
Full Screen
Back/Forward: Drag timeline button
Session Layout
- 30m x 30m area with 5m end zone on each end line.
- Divide area into 4 quadrants using flat discs.
- 15m x 15m area inside of area using cone discs.
Coaches R&R's:
HC - Layout field.
AC - Prepare bibs for each player, ensure balls are pumped, set up water & equipment areas.