Football/Soccer Session (Academy Sessions): running without ball angles and support play

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Andy Welsh

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Andy Welsh
Name: Andy Welsh
City: Sheffield
Country: United Kingdom
Membership: Adult Member
Sport: Football/Soccer
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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): S&Q Reaction drill

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): S&Q Reaction drill
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S&Q Reaction drill (10 mins)

Set up / Organisation: fast feet cones marked out for different s and q drills with 3 different copoured cones set out for a reaction sprint at the end on coaches call

Progression same as above but with ball

Technical Learning objectives: footwork control/ ball control

Tactical Learning Objectives:using both feet with ball / moving both feet quickly without ball

Physiological Learning Objectives: repetition of movements, when to accelerate and when to slow down, change of direction

Psychological Learning Objectives:Concentration on the movements, awareness of differewnt coloured cones, reaction time

Individual Learning Outcomes:

Team Learning Outcomes:

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Passing and recieving

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Passing and recieving
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Passing and recieving (20 mins)

Set up / Organisation: 12x12 box with gates on the end, ball is played to team mate who makes his movement on cone nearest to side of pass. movement is into the cone to recieve on the back foot and pass through next gate to team mate. Once played pass follow the ball.

Technical Learning objectives:

passing, recieving, movement. timing of run , weight of pass, accuracy of pass

Tactical Learning Objectives:

understanind when to make movement off the cone to recieve a pass from team mate

Physiological Learning Objectives:

Psychological Learning Objectives:

Individual Learning Outcomes:

Team Learning Outcomes:

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Possesion

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Possesion
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Possesion (20 mins)

Set up / Organisation: 70x50 pitch possession 8v4

10 passes then play can be played down the wider areas to outlet striker . can be passed down the side or dribbled by player on the ball or passed to a plateer with a switch of play as long as player recieving is on the move.

Once playe transfers the 4 chasing defenders must return to central zone the other 4 defenders can not close down the ball till the last of their defenders is in the zone.


when play transfers all players apart from S1 must get from area 1 to area 2 as quick as possible to support S2 before the other 4 defenders press and close down the ball.

Technical Learning objectives: Exicution of the switch of play, weight of pass, angle of pass(to feet ot into space)

Tactical Learning Objectives:team mates ability to keep play on one side creating space on the oposite side for the switch of play. Maintaining possession till the time is right to switch play

Physiological Learning Objectives: Turn of pace to get from area 1 to area 2 to support the player in possesiuon befor the defenders press

Psychological Learning Objectives: Vision and awareness to spot the switch of play, finding the spare player and spotting a player on the move and playing the pass either into feet or into space depending on the situation(decision making)

Individual Learning Outcomes: Focus on personal movement to create angle and options for your team mate that is in possesion to help him maintain possesion.

Team Learning Outcomes: Maintain possesion as a team and move the opposition , work oportunaties to switch play to the advantage, once we execute the switch of play the neem needs to quickly advance to the opposite area to support team mates in possesion and again maintain possesion.

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): phase of play

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): phase of play
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phase of play (20 mins)

Set up / Organisation: Phase of play in an 8 vs 8 situation trying to exploit the wide areas. Play starts with coach passsing to either of the 3 blue CB'S who will try to score in the big goal.

If whites win the ball back 3 passes then allows them to go on and score in the 2 wide mini goals, blues must lock onto a opponent to win ball back quickly.

10 passes is a goal for blues encouraging whites to press 3 CB'S.

whites will play a 2-4-1 blues will be a 3-2-3, this should encourage blues to use the overload in wide areas.

Progression will be bring in a 3rd CB for whites or 2nd centre forward depending on which area becomes to easy for blues playing out from back or attacking a back 2.

Encourage movement from the 2 CM'S especially when switching play, if one drops deep to recieve, can the other CM run forward to create space for the pass wide.

CF must stay as high as possible trying to draw both defenders attention to create space for wide man.

wide man stay as high and wide as possible without being offisde always being the outlet, if opposed try to keep the ball and switch play through CM or CB.

Technical Learning objectives:

encouraging short passing to then exploit the wide areas. quick passing and recieving. movement is key for every player (always be an option), positioning on the pitch is key to create the switch of play especially in central areas.

Tactical Learning Objectives:

Positioning on the pitch is key for every player, knowing when to siwtch play and when to keep passes short. CM understanding of creating space for each other to get on ball and switch play.

Physiological Learning Objectives:

Move the ball quickly out wide then turn of pace to exploit the wide area to get a cross or shot off.

Psychological Learning Objectives:

Confidence to pass the ball in tight areas and trust each other on the ball.

Individual Learning Outcomes:

Jake Ramm/olly baltrop - communication,movement/passing and recieving in CM postion to create space for each ther to get on ball higher up pitch to get the ball wide and exploit these areas.

Harry Mills - staying as high up as posible strecthing the play length ways to create space wide by occupying 2 defenders.

Derren Darby, Reece Renshaw and Matt Wray - wide CB sprint wide creating space for CM to come and recieve, always be an option on the ball . when out of possession narrow into width of penalty box as a 3, communication is key when out of possession to stop a pass into wide goals.

Team Learning Outcomes:

Deciding when/when not to switch play

Movement, passing and recieving is a key component here.

Understanding positions on the pitch and how to create space for others .

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): ssg

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): ssg
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ssg (20 mins)

Set up / Organisation: 70x50 pich slight variation from usual phase of play with 2 goals and 2 keepers. 9v9 reds have an extra player in midfield to try take advantage of space wide on either side and encourge switch of play to the free player on the opposite side of pitch. 10 passes is also a goal this will force the opposition to press the ball and not just sit back and prevent the attackers switching play and penetrating the space on the opposite side of the pitch.

Reds can use wide areas unoposed but can not recieve the ball and dribble into this area they must recieve the ball in this area on the move preferebly from a switch of play.

Blues are locked into playing narrow within the red area in possesion but can enter this area to defend only in their own defensive half.

Technical Learning objectives: Switches of play in the right area of the pitch to exploit space, 1st touch to set yourself for thr switch of play so good body shape, Type of pass and the execution of the pass.

Tactical Learning Objectives: team in possesion moving the opposition to one side of the pitch by keeping possesion of the ball

Physiological Learning Objectives: rrsieving the ball on the move, driving into space, support play from players behind.

Psychological Learning Objectives: awareness of space and where the outlet player is, concentration and patience to keep possesion till the time is right to switch play.

Individual Learning Outcomes: Recognise the right opertunity to switch play to our advantage

Team Learning Outcomes: Team needs to work to gether to move the opposition to one side of the field to create space to get a switch of play to the teams advantage and then exicute the switch of play succesfully.

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): finishing- movement off ball

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): finishing- movement off ball
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finishing- movement off ball (20 mins)

Set up / Organisation:

Technical Learning objectives:

Tactical Learning Objectives:

Physiological Learning Objectives:

Psychological Learning Objectives:

Individual Learning Outcomes:

Team Learning Outcomes:

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