Football/Soccer Session (Difficult): Pressure, Cover, Balance

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Frank Greenawalt
Name: Frank Greenawalt
City: Riverside
Country: United States of America
Membership: Adult Member
Sport: Football/Soccer
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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Group Defending Activity

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Group Defending Activity
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Group Defending Activity (30 mins)

Warm Up (15 min)

Juggling (5 min)

RWB (5 min)

Dymanic Stretch (5 min)

Group Defending Exerecise (15 min)

Start w/ 4 defenders (D). D's must hold hands and move in a group to catch attacking (A) players or balls. A's must get from sideline A to sideline B, then restart from B to A. Players caught join D group. Once D group gets to 6, split into two, 9-three groups.

Coaching Points: Move as a unit. Communication. Control the attacking players movement.

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): 4v3 Pressure/Cover/Balance

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): 4v3 Pressure/Cover/Balance
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4v3 Pressure/Cover/Balance (20 mins)

Expanded Small sided (20min)

4v3 Big goal and small goals

Cp's- #4/#5 leads communication along the back line, focus on pressure, cover, balance to prevent penetration, immediate pressure on the ball to prevent shots/crosses

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Playing to End Zone Defenisve Principles

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Playing to End Zone Defenisve Principles
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Playing to End Zone Defenisve Principles (20 mins)

7 (2-3-2) v 7 (3-3-1) End Zone Defensive Principles Small Sided Activity (20 min)

Objective: Teaching Pressure, Delay, Cover, Balance & Depth to the 2,4,5,3 & 6,8,10 as a unit

Set Up: 60 yd x 50 yd area w/two 5 yd end zones. 12 pennies. 12 balls. 1 pt scored when team dribbles into an opponents end zone, 2 pts scored when a team passes to a teamate in the opponents end zone. Off-side rules apply.

Coaching Points:

(1) Teach 2,4/5,3 & 6,8,10 lines to tuck in & get compact and move as a unit

(2) Teach individual defensive principles

(3) Teach 4/5 to take responsibility for each side of the field and coach the players around them

(4) Integrate 2,4/5,3 & 6,8,10 to use the counterattack as a threat to help improve the teams ability to defend

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): ESSG/SSG Defensive Principles

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): ESSG/SSG Defensive Principles
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ESSG/SSG Defensive Principles (30 mins)

7 v 7 Expanded Sm Sided (15 min)

Switch groups ea 2 min or 2 goals. 3-2-1 v 3-1-2. Groups on sideline perform fitness/technical work.

Add fitness between, stress focus and mental concentration

Restrictions: 5 touches before shooting

Coaching Points: Communication, Shape (Tuck in, Open up), Pressure, Cover, Balance

6v6 No Restrictions (15 min)

Cool Down & Stretch

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