Football/Soccer Session (Beginner): Pleasantville U7 - Spring 03

Profile Summary

antony wildey
Name: antony wildey
City: Pleasantville
Country: United States of America
Membership: Adult Member
Sport: Football/Soccer
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This session is to reinforce strong dribbling skills

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): U7-Dribble : Warmup

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): U7-Dribble : Warmup
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U7-Dribble : Warmup (10 mins)

Organization: 20 x 15 Square


Players dribble ball avoiding other players

When space is tight, take a touch with every step like Messi

When see space to drive into, take bigger touches and accelerate into the space like Ronaldo

If area crowed with players can you turn into a new space like Xavi

Coaching Points:

- Head up to observe other players

-Good technique, Use pinky toe to push ball

-On toes/lift heels/knee over ball


Introduce Scoring : See who can reach '50' dribble touches (pinky toe pushs) first. If they leave the area or hit another player/ball they lose '10'

Play twice 1 game is left foot only and the 2nd is right foot only

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): U7-Dribble :  In Behind

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): U7-Dribble :  In Behind
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U7-Dribble : In Behind (15 mins)


Split Large area form 1 in half then do the following in each half

Each end line has two gates of different colors (1 orange and one yellow)

Mark the midway using tall cones on the edges

For the progression add 2 disc cones in the middle

1 Ball per player


• Players must start in Orange gates and finish through Yellow gates.

First Run

• Players messi dribble to the center and ronaldo dribble after the middle cone finishing in the yellow gate

• Players then rotate around to next orange start gate in their grid and repeat using other foot to dribble back


• Players messi dribble to the tall cone, perfrom a move at the cone and continue through the red gate

• Move Feint/Double Feint / Drag back / turn / whatever they are comofrtable with at this aage

Coaching Points:

• Shorter and sharper touches on approach to middle/cone

• Look at cone or even beyond it into space behind on approach. Speed/timing of move execution

• Increase speed once past cone

• Cut in behind the cone once past it and go quickly through yellow gate.

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): U7-Dribble : 1 v 1

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): U7-Dribble : 1 v 1
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U7-Dribble : 1 v 1 (15 mins)


Do this on the scrimmage field for 5-10 mins before you scrimmage.

Bring in one of your goals to reduce the field size


Each team starts next to their goal.

One team starts with a ball. The first player from each team steps onto the

field. The player from the team with the ball dribbles and tries to score in their

opposition's goal. The player from the team without the balls tries to steal it and

dribble to their opponent's goal.

Players can only shoot form inside the D


Opposite team starts with the ball

2 v 1 offensive team, introduce passing

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Short Sided Game

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Short Sided Game
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Short Sided Game (20 mins)

Short Sided Games


- Setup fields on Parkway back, should be 20 x 30 yards if possible. (Make em Big !)

- Use small goals and mark corners and halfway line

- Play up to 5 vs 5 , if session is larger consider playing 2 games of 3 vs 3 instead of 1 games 6 v 6

Key Coaching Points

- Heads up when dribbling.

- Dribble Techniques from Previous weeks.

- Passing opportunities

- Field Boundaries

- Throwins

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Animation Controls (PCs, Macs, Laptops):

Play animation
Play step-by-step
Repeat (toggle)
Full Screen

Back/Forward: Drag timeline button