Football/Soccer Session (Moderate): striker: position practice

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Payton Ross

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Payton Ross
Name: Payton Ross
City: Sherwood park
Country: Canada
Membership: Adult Member
Sport: Football/Soccer
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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Warm-Up

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Warm-Up
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Warm-Up (10 mins)


  • Two cones lined vertically about 7 yards apart


  • Two touch passing drill
  • Each player passes the ball using inside foot
  • Receiving the ball requires inside foot touch and then pass back out
  • Player who receives the ball must pass it to another teammate that did not deliver the pass, i.e., player A passes to player B, player B must pass to someone else other than player A.
  • Minimum two balls with minimum 5 players. Maintain ratio with more players, i.e. 3 balls with 8 players, 4 balls with 11 players, etc.
  • No more than 5-minutes on this pre-warm up activity

Coaching Points/Questions:

  • Ensure quality of passes, no balls should go in the air


  • Progression - two-touch where the first touch transfers the ball to the opposite foot to pass the ball back to the other end. For example, if player receives the ball with their right foot, the first touch transfers the ball to the player's left foot to pass back to the other end with that left foot. And vice versa

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Main Activity

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Main Activity
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Main Activity (30 mins)


  • Create a 50 yard by 30 yard box as the overall playing grid
  • line a 20 yard by 30 yard area within the playing grid, that leaves the other portion at 30 by 30 yards
  • Setup two mini goals at the far-end and the other end has a full sided goal with goalkeeper


  • 9v5+1 goalie game
  • To setup:
    • In the 30 by 30 yard area - 6 blue v 3 red
    • In the 20 by 30 yard area - 2 blue + 1 red to show as the 9 plus 2 red and goalie
  • Game starts with coach playing the ball into the 30 by 30 yard area
    • The blue team (attacking) must connect 3 passes within the 30 by 30 yard area against the 3 red defenders
    • If the 3 red defenders win the ball, they can score at either mini goal
  • After the blue team connects 3 passes, they must play the ball into 20 by 30 yard grid to trigger the next part of the main activity
    • Once it enters this area, the game now becomes the whole playing area where all players are active
    • The blue team must connect with the 9 in yellow to be eligible to score
    • The 9 is also allowed to score
    • red team is allowed to score into the mini goals to counter
  • Offsides rule applies to blue team

Coaching Points/Questions:

  • Technical:
    • Looking for shielding (hold-up) play when the 9 receives the ball
    • Movement and rotations of the attackers to support the 9
    • Quality of pass into the 9 - inside foot passing technique, weighted ball allowing the 9 to easily control it
    • Striking - can we take the appropriate long touch to lean into the ball and drive it to score
  • Movement - ensure all the players are moving around to create good passing lanes
  • If necessary, apply 3-touch rule being applied to limit dribbling. Do not use this at outset


  • Remove a player from the red team as a regression
  • Connect 5 or 7 passes before exiting 30 by 30 yard area

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Conditioned-Game

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Conditioned-Game
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Conditioned-Game (30 mins)


  • Create a 50 yard by 30 yard box as the overall playing grid
  • Cone off a 10 yard by 30 yard area within the playing grid on each end
  • Setup two goals on each end with two goalies.


  • 7v7 plus goalies game
  • Game starts with the goalie playing the ball in at a goal kick situation
  • In order to score, the ball must successfully be played into the center forward/striker (9)
  • All resets of play are goal kicks to the possessing team
  • Offsides rule apply
  • Keep the 10 by 30 yard grid areas to honor the center forward/striker and two center backs on each team staying in their areas for proper spacing. Once the game gets going, this can be removed after observing the spacing and movement of the players reflect what was achieved in the main activity

Coaching Points/Questions:

  • Technical:
    • Looking for shielding (hold-up) play when the 9 receives the ball
    • Movement and rotations of the attackers to support the 9
    • Quality of pass into the 9 - inside foot passing technique, weighted ball allowing the 9 to easily control it
    • Striking - can we take the appropriate long touch to lean into the ball and drive it to score
  • Movement - ensure all the players are moving around to create good passing lanes

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Animation Controls (PCs, Macs, Laptops):

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Back/Forward: Drag timeline button